Page 166 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 166

 VENuS AND cuPID, 2008  WATERCOLOR ON PAPER 49X36 IN. /125X93 CM.
         Shi Yong
         Lives and works in Shanghai, China
                                                                                        As  a Chinese  who  like Western  culture,
                                                                                        I am very fond of Chinese culture too; in
                                                                                        particular, China's classical painting. There
                                                                                        is a very famous saying about painting
                                                                                        and literary in ancient China, a poem
                                                                                        should be a painting, a painting should be
                                                                                        a poem. Although the greatest classical
                                                                                        works were mainly painted by those
                                                                                        great professional painters, but many
                                                                                        famous scholars do painted a lot of great
                                                                                        works too, this is a unique phenomenon.
                                                                                        Ancient Chinese artists and writers jointly
                                                                                        owned the thought that poetry is the soul
                                                                                        of painting. Artists in ancient China love
                                                                                        nature life, the way they created portraying
                                                                                        nature is very unique. In my works, I try to
                                                                                        do two things. First, I put those famous
                                                                                        nude images from  Western classical
                                                                                        painting in a traditional Chinese painting
                                                                                        environment. Using paper and pigments
                                                                                        specially made for Chinese painting
                                                                                        to paint those famous nude images in
                                                                                        Western classical paintings, as well as
                                                                                        painting  Chinese  painting  on  canvas,
                                                                                        technically is not a particular difficulty,
                                                                                        but a very pleasant challenge. What really
                                                                                        difficulty is the image adjustments for two
                                                                                        completely different artistic conception.
                                                                                        Two completely different culture symbols
                                                                                        so harmoniously fit together, it is very
                                                                                        surprising, although to me, these works
                                                                                        with the nature of the experiment, but the
                                                                                        effect is beyond my imagination, and even
                                                                                        I have been deeply moved.  The second
                                                                                        thing I do, is painting the real nude women
                                                                                        images in China's classical style, it is what
                                                                                        I really want to do, Chinese fine arts so
                                                                                        far, have not been able to break through
                                                                                        completely the shackles of the bondage
                                                                                        of ethics and moral principles, very few
                                                                                        natural nude images can be found. Ancient
                                                                                        Chinese painters described the world with
                                                                                        an  elegant  and  natural stroke,  I tried  to
                                                                                        use the same way to describe naked girls
                                                                                        with the hope of creating a new style and
                                                                                        the hope of giving  new life to traditional
                                                                                        style, and the hope of the nude images in
                                                                                        my paintings will be pleasantly different.
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