Page 167 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 167

 a Breath of freSh air, NOvEMBER 2008 OIL ON CANvAS 24X36 IN. /61X92 CM.
         nathan khan                                               StruCtural, JANUARY 2009 OIL ON CANvAS 26X40 IN. /67X102 CM.
         Lives and works in London, great Britain


         When painting, inspiration comes from my natural instincts   At times it is very important to deliver a sense of unknown and not
         and is never a scripted idea. My work is produced from   give it all away, as this can create debate and further stimulate
         a n e p i p h a n y o f t h o u g h t s , w h i c h a r e f u r t h e r d e v e l o p e d   the mind into undiscovered territories. I do take references from
         through improvisation. This method tends to open my mind   the fashion industry and the female form, which tends to be
         subconsciously; examples of this can be seen in my work, one   reflected by my natural style of intricacy and a deep intertwining
         of which is my mental struggle with the wider environment.  use of shapes.

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