Page 156 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 156
knowledge of the strange and atypical course of Aymeric NOA's life specialized art publications. He then undertook scientific studies
is necessary to realize the depth of his metaphorical, allegorical at a university and at this point abandoned his art for a period of
and mystical representations in his Neo Figurative paintings. time. At 25 years of age he experienced a "vision" predicting the
death of a person dear to him. This contradicted his beliefs and
Aymeric NOA has painted since childhood and at the age of 12 years directed him into a new world to be explored, namely, Astrology
he had already experienced a great deal of success. At sixteen years and Psychology. His most important work principally referred to
of age, he painted life like portraits of the members of his family astrological symbolism. Nine years later and with the death of his
from knowledge of drawing and painting techniques learned from father, Aymeric suffered depression, mourning him deeply.