Page 158 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 158
thE PROMISE, 2009 CHARCOAL ON PAPER 21,5X17 IN. /55X45 CM.
JoYCe fournier
Lives and works in Toronto, Canada
ART NOW 3. 2008-2009 / Annual of Contemporary Art
in their contemplative states. I found the intrigue of the figure
especially pleasing and thus found myself over the years moving
more into that genre of work. As an academically trained artist I
find I can sometimes get too caught up in detail when working on
a figurative piece. I prefer to be less literal and like the freshness
of a more impressionist style.
I work in a variety of mediums including oil and acrylic and I
particularly like the combination of Charcoal and Conté for my
ongoing series of Mood Portraits entitled ‘Private Moments’. I am
most captivated by what is left unsaid and by the questions the
viewer will have once the work is completed.
My work means different things to different people depending on
what the viewer is going through. The greatest gift for me as an
artist is to experience the emotional reaction of a collector the
moment they take possession of one of my pieces. How amazing
to be able to move someone with what I have created! This is
when I know I have done my job. One of the many great things I
have learned as an artist is that as we age we grow bringing our
life experiences, happy or sad into our work.
A recent collector (Scott Walker, Toronto) said of one of Fournier’s
works: “This piece of work has its own life and character. I
purchased her piece because I could not bear to leave her in
the gallery after I saw her. No matter how often I look at her, her
image remains fresh, and I never tire of looking at her. There is a
real human presence to her as if she is actually in the room. She
conveys a range of emotions: strength, beauty, innocence, and
sadness while remaining hopeful.
I think we all carry a certain amount of angst around with us on a
daily basis and I feel comforted that I am not the only one in the
room feeling this way. Her gaze is so penetrating that she demands
certain honesty from the viewer. It is tough to fool yourself with
someone else like this in the room. visually, I am attracted to her
image and she has become a welcome friend as she hangs waiting
As a Figurative and Portrait artist I strive to capture the inner mood to greet me in my front hallway.”
of my subject. I am drawn to the figure as I find there is always
something to say in the simplest of gestures and expressions. For Joyce Fournier has exhibited in several solo and group exhibitions
me there is beauty in simplicity. It is much more important for me within Canada and internationally. She is a member of the Portrait
to capture what is not said than the details of the obvious. Society of America and is the founder of International guild of
As a child I would sit and draw with my mother. I found a true Figurative Art. Her work can be found in private collections in
sense of serenity in sketching things around me, very often people Canada, the USA, and Europe.