Page 155 - Art-In-Vogue
P. 155

 GLAM 5, 2010, STENCIL ON CANvAS 47X40 IN. /120X100 CM.    «
         marCelo aBuChalla                                         GLAM 3, 2010 STENCIL ON CANvAS 47X40 IN. /120X100 CM.
                                                                   GLAM 1, 2010 STENCIL ON CANvAS 47X40 IN. /120X100 CM.
         Lives and works in Sao Paulo, Brazil                      GLAM 2, 2010 STENCIL ON CANvAS 40X40 IN. /100 X100 CM.


         He thanks the CURIMBABA for help him in this editions. Marcelo
         four years ago was reunited with the Stencil and develops its
         work today by doing a mix of techniques and the Stencil. He
         creates his images sometimes cruel sometimes dreamlike. The
         show 'The  glamorous', are images of the 50s the artist has
         adapted to its style and creation.

         The  women  portrayed  in  the  paintings  are  beautiful,  perfect,
         plastic, but has no leg, there is nobody to sit with them. This
         work tries to show that Marcelo has exacerbated the vanity, the
         ego. The chair symbolizes the emptiness of glamour.

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