Page 136 - Trends
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                    HELEN HORN MUssER

                    Lives and works in terrell, texas, Usa
              artist contact
                                                                         eArTH, BAsICs serIes 2002 enCAUsTIC 11x14 In. / 28x35,5 CM.

            Art is the very essence of our being. It is the visible evidence of our   had delivered. In January, 2008, Helen suggested we send our nuclear
            intrinsic nature. The artist will execute his or her work in accordance with   waste into the outer range of space or take it to the moon. With new
            values and beliefs held dear. Helen’s focus has been to project the spirit   technology,  hopefully,  this  can  be  realized  in  her  lifetime.  Nuclear  is
            of man through painting; working with watercolor, oil, and encaustic.   the  most  efficiently  and  cheapest  method  of  producing  electricity.
                                                                                     The  radioactive  waste  have  always  been
            For  years  she  was  driven  to  paint;  not                            a  problem. We  simply  cannot  store  the
            truly,  understanding  why.  Now,  as  her                               waste on Mother Earth. Fire is one of the
            “Basics  Series”  has  developed,  she                                   most basic needs we have. This element
            recognizes  the reason why. The thread of                                was discovered by man early in our history.
            continuity of these pieces reveal her basic                              Fire has to be controlled as it can also be
            understanding of creation and man’s and                                  very destructive.
            woman’s  responsibilities  to  God,  as  well
            as, to each other. Many other artists could                              Next,  Helen  turned  her  mind  to  God’s
            possibly have projected the same thread                                  creation of male and female. Basics; Female
            much better than her. It was in her heart                                was painted early on in 1999. Basics; Male
            and  mind,  as  burning  fire,  to  do  this  and                        was  created  in  2004.  The  female  was
            do  it  quickly. The  series  did  take  several                         featured as a searching creature with many
            years to evolve.                                                         sides to her nature. Helen was influenced
                                                                                     by “The Wisdom  of  Freud”  a  book  which
            To begin stitching the thread, she painted                               compiled  much  of  his  theory  of  man’s
            pieces representing elements of creation.                                complex  personality. The  color  of  blue
            Water, earth, Air, and Fire were among the                               was  prominent  throughout  the  painting
            first. Water  was  a  simple  composition  of                            symbolizing a spiritual nature. Basics; Male
            a body of water and a tree nearby. Earth                                 was executed later in 2004. His nature is
            was seen as a construction work; our dear                                more dynamic and was painted with vibrant
            Mother  Earth  is  our  nesting  ground  and                             colors of yellow, orange and fewer sedate
            brings forth food. Air was a challenge and could only be shown with   colors of blue and green. The eyes, clear and bright with intelligence,
            a windmill, a beautiful sunset, and fields. This painting was painted in   bring the man to life. There is a globe on a table nearby symbolizing the
            2000;  provoking  thoughts  of  answers  to  global  warming  and  energy.   awesome responsibilities God gave him upon creation. When harmony
            The movement of air or wind could turn the windmills of tomorrow;   is achieved through the blending of these two personalities, they form
            generating energy cleanly, as no other form, except solar, and nuclear,   a bond great enough to have children and bring them to adults.   TRENDS
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