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                     KRIsTINE sULLIVAN
                     Lives and works in granville, ma, Usa
               artist contact                                    WAsH LIne, 2008 acryLics on canvas 24x36 in. / 60,5x91 cm.
                                                                 sPrIng, 2008 acryLics on canvas 30x36 in. / 76x91 cm.

            As the daughter of a British diplomat with London
            as  my  home  base,  I  have  lived  and  traveled
            extensively  abroad  in  such  locales  as  Madrid,
            Milan  and  Rome.  A  scholarship  to  dance  at  La
            Scala  in  Milan  placed  me  amid  the  vast  Italian
            art  culture.  After  attending  boarding  schools
            in  the  U.K.,  I  received  a  full  scholarship  to  the
            prestigious  Chelsea  Collage  of  Art  in  London.
            Following  my  studies  there,  I  immigrated  to
            the  U.S.  and  founded  KJS  Art  Association  in
            Connecticut,  where  I  teach  adult  artists  pen-
            and-ink, pastel, gouache and acrylic techniques.
            Additionally, I am on the faculty of the WHAL in
            West Hartford, CT.
            My vivid, shimmering, luminescent Expressionist
            paintings  have  graced  numerous  one-woman
            shows in galleries and museums throughout the
            country, including Fairleigh Dickinson University;
            New  Jersey  Institute  of  Technology;  Madison
            Avenue  John  O’Rourke  Gallery;  Pen  and  Brush
            Gallery,  Greenwich  Village,  NY;  The  Springfield
            Quadrangle  Fine  Arts  Museum,  Springfield,
            MA; East End Gallery in Nantucket; Jasper Rand
            Museum, Westfield, MA; and the J. Vallee Brunelle
            Gallery, Granby, CT.
            Currently concentrating my efforts on an active
            in-home gallery in Granville, MA, my work can
            be viewed online on either my personal website,
    or  my  online  portfolio,
            Also, my work has recently been published in The
            Guild Sourcebook of Residential Art.
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