Page 128 - Trends
P. 128
Lives and works in ansan, south korea
artist contact
LAndsCAPe, 2004 Drawing (penciL) 40x40 cm /16x16 in. x 4 pieces.
In Shin-Hye Park’s work composed of 9 panels, we see that although natu- dissimilarity is not of this world as we breathe and live in it versus another
rally not devoid of the traps of habit and on the contrary with the embodi- one in the state of perfection that existed once upon a time, or that exists
ment of habit we could say as Eve in the up-close left of the center piece somewhere else. Our very own mind’s habits coax us back into splitting
and the eight remaining panels surrounding Eve suggests two directions. things apart time and again. As Adams and Eves we are so habituated into
However Shin-Hye Park’s path is decidedly going one way and not any other. splitting ourselves into two’s into infinitum that we forget questioning it and
Park empowers the viewer into the re-cognition of the vast dissimilarity yearning, longing and seeking the Unity of the two directions. Park stands
indeed like it has been interpreted before however the word is that this clear in her choice of unsettling dreamlike into so-called reality.
Tchera Niyego TRENDS