Page 125 - Trends
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                     DERRICK FLUDD
                     Lives and works in in new york, ny, Usa
               artist contact
                                                                 A THOUgHT TrAPPed In dreAM sPACe,
                                                                 2005 acryLic on canvas, stone, oiL BaLL 30x30 in. /76x76 cm.
                                                                 HIgHWAY TO THe sUn,
                                                                 2005 acryLic on canvas, stone, oiL BaLL 30x30 in. /76x76 cm.

            I view art as the symbolic process of thought and perception in this   type of road map etching to memory the impression of experience.)
            way art has the ability to explain all experience conscious and uncons-  This  would  be  the  essence  of  this  series.  Random Thoughts  is  the
            cious through expression and symbolism. The Series Pathways is an   first work that keeping true to the process of thought is consistently
            attempt to explore this symbolic process by viewing the very creation   re-configurable hence (random) and is an attempt to bridge the evo-
            of thought itself as seen through a kind of stilling of the mind. i.e. (If you   lution of thoughts with the physical evolution of the work itself. On the
            could imagine being able to view the process of mind as it contemp-  artistic front every artist who picks up a brush makes a determination
            lates ideas or perceptions and document the neural pathways those   of the Path the brush will follow, the painting is a culmination and
            thoughts and perceptions traveled the colors they ignited as cognitive   distillation of pathways.
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