Page 120 - Trends
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                     IRA sTARK
                     Lives and works in moorestown, nJ, Usa
               artist contact

            Ira Stark, who lives and paints in a small
            town  just  outside  of  Philadelphia,  PA.
            likes to paint landscapes and cityscapes
            of places that he has visited in Europe
            and scenes from nearby New York City,
            Philadelphia and his hometown of Moo-
            restown, NJ.
            “I like to use bright, vivid colors in my
            paintings. The  bright  colors  and  thick
            paint  strokes  allow  me  more  control
            over the play of light and adds expres-
            siveness  to  the  paintings.  The  heavy
            textures  help  convey  the  energy  and
            3-dimensional reality from the surface
            of the canvas.”
            Many examples of these works can be
            found at An example of his
            cityscapes is “Central Park”, painted in
            New York City.
            The painting is divided horizontally into
            thirds,  the  sky  with  its  wild  strokes  of
            white and blues is the upper third and
            the skyscrapers in the middle third cont-
            rast the trees and lake in the lower third
            of the picture. Stark paints the skyscra-
            pers and trees in a primitive style with
            thick, expressive paint strokes.
            The  eye  is  drawn  to  the  lake  with  its
            bizarre reflection of the buildings then
            to the megalith black and white edifice
            which partially obscures the sky.
            Many examples of his later works can
            be seen at

            CenTrAL PArK s,                                                                                           TRENDS
            2006 oiL on canvas 20x16 in. / 50x40 cm.
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