Page 123 - Trends
P. 123


                     LUIGI MAPELLI (MAPO)
                     Lives and works in milano, italy
               artist contact

            Luigi Mapelli (Mapo) has built his own language and expression in   pleasant atmospheres in which time seems stops sweetly.All this
            which several lyrical reasons convey and merge with great balance.  creates in the observing artist a natural turn towards the discovery
            Looking  at his works  - a good selection can be seen on his personal   of these canvasses in which – it should be stressed – one can often
            site -  we can notice at first a visual and articulated architecture   breath  a thin and involving introspective  vocation, even though
            in  which  the  artist  effectively  joins    strictly  figurative  elements,   well controlled and distributed by the artist. Thus Mapelli creates a
            which can be immediately recognized,  and others thus creating     visual proximity that certainly inspires a quiet meditation.
                                                                                                      Simone Fappani

            reTUrn TO THe PAsT, 2006 DigitaL pHoto / oiL on canvas  41x27 in. / 105x70 cm.
            THe red BArOn, 2006 DigitaL pHoto / oiL on canvas  27x41 in. / 70x105 cm.
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