Page 117 - Trends
P. 117


                     MARLENE s. BREMER
                     Lives and works in englewood, nJ, Usa
               artist contact

            Marlene Bremer’s paintings are
            easy to recommend.
            She  has  a  decorative  talent,  a
            sense of tension between nature
            and the artificial in paint.

            With  echoes  of ‘Blaue  Reiter’
            and  abstract  expressionism,
            she is developing her own voca-
            bulary  in  delicate  and  intent
            I  underline  her  as  one  of  the
            women of our day under whose
            gaze  we  are  learning  to  see
            the worldly web modestly and

            Prof.  David  Shapiro  Princeton
            University, NJ, Cooper Union, NY,
            Art Critic New York Times

            PInK-green, acryLic on
            canvas 48x36 in. /122x91 cm.
            resUrreCTIOn, acryLic on
            canvas 48x36 in. /122x91 cm.
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