Page 112 - Trends
P. 112


                     MIRsO BAJRAMOVIC
                     Lives and works in gennep, the netherlands
               artist contact
            An  art,  it  might  be  claimed  with  slight
            exaggeration, which is the especial reserve
            of artists deriving from regions east of us.
            That’s where they know best how to paint
            such  sacred  nocturnes,  how  to  perform
            the astral liturgy. Mirso Bajramovic too is
            one who paints `Hymns to Night`. He too
            follows  Jean  Cocteau’s  poetical  direction
            of `carrying night through day`, extending
            the possible world of the dream into the
            profane world of up-to-datedness. But he
            is not just a painter of nocturnes and `Night
            thoughts`.  He  is  also  a  commonsensical
            man with a Western inquisitiveness about
            the  system,  the  anatomy  of  romantic
            imagery. I say: part of his art is about art
            and  even  that  Art  creates  art.  This  did   MULTI, acryLic on canvas 32x40 in. /80x100 cm.
            not  make  him  a  post-modernist. To  him     VALKHOF insiDe
            the  modern  tradition  is  not  `old  news`,  a
            decrepit archive, ’Yesterday’s Papers`, from
            which one may legally quote from memory.
            No, he remained IN the tradition. Which is
            still as fully operative in former Yugoslavia
            as it is in the whole of Europe.

            So Mirso Bajramovic is not simply an artist
            who  carries  night  through  day,  he  also
            wants  the  sun  to  shine  in  the  darkness,
            make the light of reason clarify the dream.
            Or rather: he comes up to the arch-aphorist
            Karl  Kraus’  expectations  about  people
            who dare call themselves artists: `An artist
            is  someone  who  manages  to  change  a
            solution into a mystery.` What does he do
            with that mystery, this happy artist? No, he
            does not solve it. He starts to search for
            her  whom  G.B.  Shaw  named  `the  sphinx
            without  mysteries`  -  the  muse,  maybe.
            What  she  does  and  wants  Bajramovic  to
            do, what she still has in store for him, is
            and  should  be  a  mystery  for  now. What
            is  certain,  notwithstanding,  is  this:  first                                                          TRENDS
            Bajramovic  silenced  me,  then  he  made
            me speak interminably. May I be forgiven
            for both.
                Maarten Beks,  Kunstbeeld (excerpt)
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