Page 109 - Trends
P. 109


                     OLGA GOUsKOVA
                     Lives and works in Bruges, Belgium
               artist contact

            Olga Gouskova paints women, always
            beautiful and always stylish. Although
            each  painting  portrays  one  woman,
            these aren’t portraits of an individual.
            They don’t seem to reflect individual
            personalities  but  instead  seem  to
            explore  the  same  personality  or  an
            idea of the same stylised personality
            throughout each of her paintings.
            All her ladies - sensual, melancholic and
            mysterious -have a physical intensity, a
            subtleness of form, outline and volume
            which  almost  makes  you  want  to
            caress them. And these female figures
            do in fact caress themselves, almost
            as if to emphasise the preciousness of
            the female body - the eternal source
            of life and love.

            They  express  liberty,  emotion  and
            passion;  aided  by  the  absence  of  a
            temporal  context  they  pursue  and
            follow  on  each  other  thus  breaking
            through  the  confines  of  space  and
            multiply  themselves  in  an  infinite

            The  bright  and  mellow  colours
            illuminate the features and emphasise
            the  sense  of  the  inner  being  caught
            in that precise moment. The sinuous
            lines  in  Olga’s  paintings  convey
            vibrations,  memories,  ambivalent
            feelings and deep emotion by means
            of  the  positions  and  expressions  of
            the figures.
            Her  contemporary  approach  to
            pose,  dynamic  composition  and
            colour  produces  paintings  that  are
            modern, proud, vibrant and uniquely

            seVen, mixeD meDia /goUacHe anD
            sepia on paper 20x28 in. /50x70 cm.
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