Page 115 - Trends
P. 115


                     YOsHIKO FUJITA

                     Lives and works in tokyo, Japan
               artist contact
            Wish  that  faces  persons  various  expressions  be  expressed  by  the
            FACE series. After the printing block was able to be carved and to
            color the expression of the faces is formed with “TAKO-ITO (string)”
            in  the  line. The  number  of  production  of  FACE  series  is  about  to
            works. The  expression  of  these  faces  is  different  respectively. To
            pull the parts other than eyes in one line recently, and to put than
            expression of the face, it notes it. Time is necessary to begin to draw
            all the expression of the faces. I want to challenge beginning draw
            person’s expression.

            rOAd In THe nIgHT, 2004 wooDBLock 38x26.5 cm. / 15x10,5 in.
            FACe M5, 2004 wooDBLock 38x26.5 cm. / 15x10,5 in.
            FACe M2, 2004 wooDBLock 38x26.5 cm. / 15x10,5 in.
            FACe M7, 2004 wooDBLock 38x26.5 cm. / 15x10,5 in.
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