Page 141 - Trends
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                     KELLIANNE O’BRIEN

                     Lives and works in madison, wisconsin, Usa
               artist contact
                                                                         red serIes #9 , 1994 oiL on cAnvAS, frAmEd 29x41 in. /74x105 cm.
            My relationship to Art is spontaneous and intuitive. Each painting is   colour. In my work with sculpture, Mergence allows me to feel the
            created by smoothing colours on the canvas, without sketching or   becoming of a subject and gradually see its unveiling. For me, Art is
            drawing an idea first. When I paint, I work directly with the colours   immediate, passionate and ecstatic. I work with the Inner Light, the
            themselves to create expressions of emotion and the Passion of Light.     source of my connection with divinity. Meditation helps me to Merge
            My  art  attempts  to  capture  momentary  experiences  of  Rapture  -a   with the Source, and provides me the freedom necessary to work in
            state of being in complete union with the Source.  I call this rapturous   an intuitive, spontaneous way.  My sessions are intense experiences
            experience, Mergence.  Mergence is what facilitates being able to see,   of Rapture, the results of which are always unpredictable creative
            as  I  paint,  the  gradual  development  of  harmony  and  balance  with   emergences.
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