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Lives and works in new york, Usa
artist contact
If all art comes from a feeling of absence, the varied work of Barry and perhaps offering a pretext to enhanced engagement with those
Grose compellingly communicates an antidote to living in an around us. Barry Grose studied briefly at the School of the Art Institute
emotionally disassociative world. From ambiguously moody, color- of Chicago, and holds a master’s degree from the University of Chicago
soaked landscapes, still lifes, and abstracts, Barry Grose offers some and a bachelor’s degree from the State University of New York. He
‘sorbet for the mind,’ helping clear the path to emotional perspective, lives and works in New York, USA.
red AUTUMn, 2006 acryLic on gaLLery wrappeD canvas 48x60 in. / 122x152 cm. TRENDS