Page 27 - SACAL: Bibliophile Limited Edition Art Book Authentic Signed & Numbered By Artist
P. 27

is ductile and flexible. In his hands, the                 paradoxically, sacal received the first

           fantasy becomes real and tangible.                         lessons of aesthetics in the shop of his

           when his teacher Francisco zúñiga saw                      father. he was a shy teenager. It was really

           his work for the first time, he said: “he is               hard to speak with the customers and

           a born sculptor” and knew how to guide                     sell them things, to avoid these tasks; he

           him while respecting his independence.                     devoted to re - do the shop window. he

           sacal learned from his teacher the                         experimented with colors and textures and

           importance of the trade, not to comply                     used all kinds of objects to display the

           until the bronze “breathe”. however, the                   products for sale. he learned to manipulate

           differences between teacher and student                    the visual elements to attract attention

           could not be greater. zuniga found its                     and guide the eyes of the public. Designing

           identity in indigenous people, portraying                  show windows offered the additional

           a beauty, the opposite of from the west                    advantage of an immediate feedback:

           side. his sculptures are Earth, rooted in                  things were sold or not.

           his own tradition. In contrast, sacal finds                The family never saw with good eyes the

           inspiration in different worlds than his. his              artistic inclinations of José, for a long

           work rests not only in looks, but also in                  time he took art classes clandestinely.  To

           what he dreams and imagines.                               please his father, he enrolled in medicine.

                                                                      But strangely it all contributed to his

           If there is a constant in sacal’s work,                    formation as an artist. At that time it was

           is precisely the change, the permanent                     common to give to each medical student

           experimentation. sacal never repeats itself; he            a corpse for dissection. sacal painted his

           is always looking for new things. Like picasso,            corpse body in different colors, defining

           he understands that what matters is not just               muscles, arteries and veins. The daily

           the destination but the road. It is worth pausing          contact with a corpse allowed him to learn

           along the road that has walked.                            the human body in a much deeper way

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