Page 31 - SACAL: Bibliophile Limited Edition Art Book Authentic Signed & Numbered By Artist
P. 31
than at a conventional drawing class. unexplored places. Jose and sylvia sacal
have lived long periods in Chinese villages
At the same time he was attending La of a few inhabitants, lived with indigenous
Castañeda and spent some time with people of the Amazon, with aborigines in
the mentally ill. he was impressed with Australia or new guinea man-eaters. They
their expressions, being able to approach have traveled to the poles, the jungles and
the gestural limits of the human being. forests. They have closely observed the
During his stay at La Castañeda he met geographical and human diversity.
uninhibited faces and bodies, without
social masks. In addition he organized As part of their trips sacal has spent long
artistic workshops for the mentally ill, and hours in museums. There is no important
knew their way of thinking and seeing the museum that he does not know and goes
world. through them with the same intensity as
he studies the rest of the things. his is
In 1969 he married sylvia Farca, her family a passionate and critical observer. The
had wedding dresses shops. For years sculptures of this book, in which José sacal
he devoted himself to designing clothes makes a recreation or paraphrases of the
and tailor dresses originally designed for works he has observed, are the result of
European or north American bodies to this dialogue with the universal art.
mexican bodies. If in the kinds of medicine
he had learned to know the bodies inside, sacal says: “first I look at the piece of
now he could analyze them with clothes art, I try to understand its dimension in
and moving. space, I record it in the unconscious, make
notes, sometimes I even dream about it.”
Another very important aspect in his But when I do the sculpture I leave that
formation has been their long voyages to flowing feeling, sometimes I destroy my