Page 52 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 52
The Decameron lamentations, not knowing where they were or where the men had gone. and believed he could win her if not for Pericone's vigilance. He devised
a ruthless plan and arranged with some friends to take her aboard a
ship bound for Klarenza in the Morea.
It was already noon before they saw anyone on the shore. Shortly after,
a gentleman named Pericone da Visalgo, returning from one of his
One night, Marato and his conspirators entered Pericone's house, killed
estates, passed by with some mounted servants. Seeing the ship, he
him, and took Alatiel and much of Pericone's treasure to the ship. The
sent a servant to board it and report back. The servant found the lady
and her companions under the prow, shrinking timidly from observation.
They wept and implored him for pity, but he did not understand them.
and uncertain fate.
They used gestures to convey their forlorn condition. wind was favorable, and the vessel set sail, carrying Alatiel to a new
With these tidings, the servant returned to Pericone, who immediately This new misadventure, following so closely on the heels of the previous
had the ladies and all valuable items brought off the ship and taken one, caused the lady no small amount of distress. However, Marato,
to one of his castles. The ladies' strength was soon restored by food with the help of the good fortune that God had given him, found ways
and rest, and Pericone, noticing the honor paid to Alatiel and her rich to console her. She soon became so familiar with him that she entirely
dress, realized she must be a great lady. Despite her pale and worn forgot Pericone. But Fortune, not content with her previous caprices,
appearance, he saw her extraordinary beauty and decided that if she added a new twist of fate. The lady's extraordinary beauty and charming
lacked a husband, he would marry her, and if not, he would make her manners captivated the two young men who commanded the ship.
his mistress. They fell so desperately in love with her that they thought of nothing
but how to serve and please her, all while ensuring Marato did not
Pericone, a powerful and haughty man, devoted himself to serving the discover their intentions.
lady, and she soon recovered her strength and spirits, revealing her
beauty even more. However, they could not understand each other's Knowing of each other's love, they secretly conspired to win the lady
language, which frustrated Pericone. He tried to declare his love through together, as if love could be shared like merchandise or money. Their
gestures, but she repulsed his advances. Seeing his persistence, the plan was thwarted by Marato's jealousy, so they chose a day and hour
lady decided to stand firm and preserve her chastity, instructing her when the ship was sailing swiftly under full sail. While Marato was on
women to do the same. the deck, looking out over the sea and off his guard, they stealthily
approached him, grabbed him, and threw him into the sea. They
Pericone's passion grew stronger, and he decided to use wine to were already more than a mile away before anyone noticed Marato
weaken her resolve. He arranged a lavish supper and had the servant ply was overboard. When the lady learned of his fate and knew he was
Alatiel with blended wines. Seduced by the delicious flavor, she drank irretrievably lost, she fell back into her previous sorrowful state.
more than usual and became frolicsome. Encouraged by some women,
she danced in the style of Alexandria, which Pericone saw as a good The two young men, however, were quick to comfort her with soft words
omen. He prolonged the supper and, when the guests left, attended and promises, which, though she did not fully understand, helped to
the lady to her chamber. Overpowered by the wine, she undressed and ease her grief. Over time, the lady began to recover her spirits. The two
went to bed without concern for Pericone's presence. He joined her men then debated privately about who should be the first to take her to
and, without resistance, began to solace himself with her. bed. Neither was willing to give way to the other, and no compromise
Alatiel soon regretted not yielding to his earlier advances and thereafter could be found. Their dispute grew so heated that they drew their knives
willingly participated in their nights of delight. However, their happiness and attacked each other. Before their men could separate them, both
was short-lived. Pericone's brother, Marato, was also taken with Alatiel
The Decameron