Page 54 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 54
The Decameron and raised her hopes. They learned where the lady was and, eager to see Smyrna under the care of his faithful friend, Antioco. However, Osbech
was slain in battle, and Basano's victorious army advanced on Smyrna.
her, asked the Duke for an opportunity. Forgetting the consequences,
Antioco, smitten with the lady's charms, broke faith with his friend and
the Duke consented and brought them to the villa where the lady lived.
They had a lordly breakfast in a lovely garden, and Constantine, seeing
lord and became enamored of her. Knowing her language, he quickly
the lady, was lost in admiration. He fell deeply in love with her and,
established intimacy with her, and their relationship turned into love.
dismissing thoughts of war, sought a way to take her from the Duke.
When news of Osbech's defeat and death reached them, they decided
arriving in Rhodes, Antioco fell ill with a mortal disease. He entrusted
As the Prince's forces neared the Duke's dominions, the Duke and his
allies prepared to defend the frontier. Constantine, absorbed by his to flee to Rhodes with the best part of Osbech's treasure. Shortly after
his possessions, including the lady, to his dear friend, a Cypriote
passion, feigned illness and returned to Athens. He suggested to the merchant, before he died.
Duchess that he could remove the lady from the villa to a distant place,
and she agreed, believing he was motivated by jealousy for her honor. The merchant and the lady wept for Antioco and promised to honor
Constantine secretly equipped a light boat and, with his men, went to his wishes. After Antioco's death, the merchant wound up his affairs in
the villa. He gained admission and, under the pretense of delivering a Rhodes and planned to return to Cyprus. The lady agreed to accompany
message from the Duke, drew the lady towards a gate leading to the him, hoping he would treat her as a sister for Antioco's sake. To protect
sea. His men seized her and set her aboard the boat, threatening death her from insult, the merchant pretended she was his wife, and they
to anyone who resisted. They sailed to Egina, where they rested before shared a cabin on the boat. The darkness, comfort, and warmth of the
continuing to Chios. There, Constantine, fearing paternal censure, bed led them to become intimate, and by the time they arrived in Baffa,
deemed it a safe place to stay. The lady, after some days, ceased to they were indeed man and wife.
lament her fate and allowed Constantine to console her, enjoying the
gifts Fortune sent her. In Baffa, the lady lived with the merchant for a while. One day, a
gentleman named Antigono, who had served the King of Cyprus but
While they were enjoying their time together, Osbech, King of the had fallen on hard times, saw the lady and recognized her extraordinary
Turks, who was constantly at war with the Emperor, came to Smyrna. beauty. He vaguely remembered seeing her before but couldn't recall
Learning that Constantine was leisurely enjoying himself at Chios with where. The lady, recognizing Antigono from her father's service in
a lady he had captured, Osbech made a night raid on the island with Alexandria, sent for him, hoping he could help her regain her true
an armed flotilla. He captured many Chians in their beds, killed those identity as a princess.
who resisted, and set the island ablaze. He then took the booty and
prisoners back to Smyrna. Among the booty, he found the beautiful lady When Antigono arrived, the lady confirmed his identity and tearfully
and, delighted, made her his wife with all due ceremony. He enjoyed embraced him. She asked if he remembered seeing her in Alexandria,
her company for several months. which triggered his memory. He recognized her as Alatiel, the Soldan's
Meanwhile, a treaty was pending between the Emperor and Basano, daughter, whom he thought had drowned at sea. She recounted her
King of Cappadocia, to attack Osbech from both sides. When the story and asked for his help in regaining her former honor. Antigono,
Emperor learned of his son's fate, he conceded to Basano's demands moved by her plight, promised to do his best to help her.
and urged him to attack Osbech immediately. Osbech, aware of the
Emperor's plan, gathered his forces and advanced against Basano to Then, weeping between every word, she told him her whole story from
avoid being caught between two powerful armies. He left the lady in the day of the shipwreck at Majorca to that moment. Antigono wept
The Decameron