Page 49 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 49
Beritola served Currado's lady faithfully, wearing widow's weeds position in Sicily if freed.
and tending her kids with loving care.
The worthy man asked no more questions but, as soon as he found
The corsairs, who had not noticed Madam Beritola when they took an opportunity, told Currado what he had learned. Currado, though he
the ship, sailed to Genoa with all the other people on board. Upon made light of it in the warder's presence, went to Madam Beritola and
arrival, the owners of the galley divided the booty, and Madam asked her pleasantly if she had a son named Giusfredi by Arrighetto.
Beritola's nurse and her two boys fell to Messer Guasparrino d'Oria. The lady, in tears, confirmed that if her elder son were alive, his
He sent them to his house to serve as domestic slaves. The nurse, name would be Giusfredi, and he would be twenty-two years old.
grief-stricken at the loss of her mistress and their plight, shed many This inclined Currado to believe that Giannotto and Giusfredi were
tears. Realizing tears were futile, she comforted the boys and decided the same person. He thought that if this were true, he could show
to keep their identities secret, hoping Fortune would change and they mercy and erase his daughter's shame by marrying her to Giannotto.
could regain their lost estate. She gave them out as her own children, So, he sent for Giannotto privately and questioned him about his past.
changing the elder boy's name from Giusfredi to Giannotto di Procida. Finding undeniable evidence that he was indeed Giusfredi, son of
Arrighetto Capece, Currado said:
For two years, the boys lived with the nurse in Messer Guasparrino's
house, performing menial tasks. Giannotto, now sixteen and "Giannotto, you know the wrong you have done me through my
discontent with servitude, left Messer Guasparrino's service and daughter, considering how well and kindly I treated you. Many would
boarded a galley bound for Alexandria. He traveled far and wide, have caused you to die an ignominious death for such an offense, but
learning that his father, whom he thought dead, was imprisoned by my clemency would not allow it. Now, as you say, you are of noble
King Charles. After three or four years of wandering, he arrived in blood by both parents. I am willing to end your suffering, release you
Lunigiana and took service with Currado Malespini, who was pleased from captivity, and restore your honor and mine. Your intimacy with
with him. His mother, serving Currado's lady, did not recognize him, Spina, though shameful, was prompted by love. Spina is a widow
nor did he recognize her. with a secure dowry. I consent to make her your wife, and you may
stay here with her and me as my son."
While in Currado's service, Giannotto fell in love with Currado's
daughter, Spina, who had returned home after her husband's death. Captivity had wasted Giannotto's flesh but not his spirit or love for
They secretly gratified their passion for several months before being his lady. Though he desired what Currado offered and knew he was
discovered by Spina's mother and then by Currado. Enraged, Currado in Currado's power, he answered with magnanimity:
had them arrested and taken to a castle, intending to put them to
death. Spina's mother, though angry, persuaded Currado to confine "Currado, neither ambition nor greed led me to any treacherous act
them instead. against you. I loved your daughter because she is worthy of my love.
If I acted dishonorably, it was a fault of youth, which should be judged
Giannotto and Spina languished in separate prisons for a year. When with understanding. I did what I did as a friend, not an enemy. I have
King Peter of Aragon raised a rebellion in Sicily, Currado, a Ghibelline, always desired what you offer and would have sought it long ago if
was overjoyed. Hearing the news, Giannotto sighed and revealed his I thought you would grant it. But if your intent is not as your words
true identity to a warder, explaining that his father was Arrighetto suggest, do not feed me with false hopes. Send me back to prison to
Capece and his real name was Giusfredi. He hoped to regain his suffer whatever you please. Know that I will always love Spina and
hold you in reverent regard, no matter what you do."
The Decameron