Page 45 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 45

Landolfo's discovery of the stones, began Fiammetta, reminds   and richly dressed, greeted him warmly, embraced him, and led
            me of a story with almost as many perilous escapes as Lauretta's,   him to her chamber, which was filled with the fragrance of roses
            but all occurring in a single night instead of over several years.   and orange blossoms. She told him a story, claiming to be his
                                                                   sister, the daughter of his father, Pietro, and a gentlewoman
            In Perugia, there lived a young horse-dealer named Andreuccio   from Palermo. She recounted how she had been left behind in
            di Pietro. Hearing that horses were cheap in Naples, he put   Palermo, married a gentleman, and fled to Naples when their
            five hundred florins of gold in his purse and traveled there   correspondence with King Charles was discovered. She expressed
            with some merchants, never having left home before. Arriving   her joy at seeing him and embraced him again, melting into tears.
            on a Sunday evening, he learned from his host that the fair
            would be held the next morning. He went to the fair, looked   This story, so consistent and detailed, flowed smoothly from
            at many horses, and, being inexperienced, frequently showed   her tongue. Andreuccio remembered that his father had indeed
            his purse of florins to indicate he was serious about buying.   lived in Palermo. He knew how young people are prone to
                                                                   love, saw her tears, felt her embraces and sisterly kisses, and
            A Sicilian girl, very beautiful but willing to please any man   believed everything she said. When she finished, he replied:
            for a small fee, saw Andreuccio and his purse. She thought
            to herself how lucky she would be if she had all those   "Madam, it should not surprise you that I marvel, for
            florins. With her was an old Sicilian woman who, upon seeing   my father never mentioned you or your mother. I knew
            Andreuccio,  ran  towards  him  as  if  to  embrace  him  tenderly.   nothing of  you, so finding my sister here is a great joy. I
            The girl waited for the old woman to rejoin her. Andreuccio   am pleased to have such a sister, especially as I am just a
            recognized the old woman and greeted her warmly, but they   petty merchant. But tell me, how did you know I was here?"
            had little time to talk. She promised to visit him at his inn, and
            he resumed his bargaining but bought nothing that morning.   She answered, "A poor woman who was long in our father's
                                                                   service told me this morning. I thought it more fitting for you
            The girl's interest in Andreuccio and his purse did not escape   to come to see me at home than for me to visit you at an inn."
            the old woman's notice. She began to ask the old woman about
            Andreuccio, learning all she could about him. The old woman,   She then inquired about his family, and Andreuccio, becoming
            who had lived with Andreuccio's father in Sicily and Perugia,   more convinced of her story, answered all her questions. As
            provided detailed information. Armed with this knowledge, the   their conversation continued and the heat grew, she brought
            girl devised a cunning plan to get Andreuccio's money. She kept   in Greek wine and sweetmeats for him. When he made as if
            the old woman busy all day to prevent her from visiting Andreuccio   to leave towards supper-time, she insisted he stay, saying:
            and sent a well-trained little girl to his inn in the evening.
                                                                   "Now it's clear how little you care for me. You are with
            The little girl found Andreuccio outside the gate and told him   your sister for the first time in her own house, and you
            that a lady wished to speak with him. Andreuccio, thinking the   want to leave to sup at an inn? No, you shall sup with me.
            lady was in love with him, agreed to meet her. The little girl led   Though my husband is not here, I can still show you honor."
            him to the lady's house in a disreputable quarter called Evil Hole,
            though Andreuccio suspected nothing. The lady, tall, youthful,   Andreuccio, not knowing what else to say, replied, "Sister, I care
                                                                   for you with all a brother's affection, but if I don't go, supper
                                                                                                           The Decameron
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