Page 48 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 48
The Decameron The ladies and the young men alike had many hearty laughs over Madam Beritola returned to the shore to see her sons, she found no
one. She saw the galley towing the ship and realized she had lost
Fiammetta's narrative of Andreuccio's adventures. When it ended,
her sons and husband. Alone and desolate, she fell on the shore in
Emilia, at the queen's command, began her story:
a swoon, calling their names. Strength eventually returned to her,
and she roamed the island, calling for her sons. When night fell,
"Grave and grievous are the vicissitudes with which Fortune acquaints
us. Discussing such matters awakens our minds, which are easily
hope began to return, and she sought shelter in a cavern where she
lulled to sleep by her flatteries. It is worthy of attentive hearing by
all, whether they enjoy her favor or endure her frown, as it provides
counsel to one and consolation to the other. Therefore, I will tell you had been brooding.
The next day, she appeased her hunger with herbs and wept,
a story, not less true than touching, of adventures with a felicitous contemplating her future. She saw a she-goat enter a nearby cavern
outcome, though the preceding bitterness was so long drawn out and later leave. Curious, she entered the cavern and found two
that it is hard to believe it was ever sweetened by ensuing happiness. newborn kids. Having milk from her recent delivery, she tenderly fed
them, and they accepted her as their mother. Feeling she had found
Dearest ladies, you must know that after the death of Emperor company in the desert, she decided to live and die there, becoming
Frederic II, the crown of Sicily passed to Manfred. Manfred's favor familiar with the she-goat and her young.
was enjoyed by a gentleman of Naples, Arrighetto Capece, who
was married to Madonna Beritola Caracciola, a fair and gracious Months later, a Pisan ship arrived at the bay. On board was Currado
lady. When Manfred was conquered and slain by King Charles I at de' Malespini, returning from a pilgrimage with his noble lady. To
Benevento, and the realm transferred its allegiance to the conqueror, pass the time, Currado, his lady, some servants, and dogs toured the
Arrighetto, then governor of Sicily, prepared for instant flight. Knowing island. Near Madam Beritola's dwelling, the dogs chased the kids,
the fleeting faith of the Sicilians, he did not want to become a subject who fled to her cavern. She drove the dogs back with a stick. Currado
of his master's enemy. However, the Sicilians, aware of his plans, and his lady, seeing her tanned, lean, and hairy, were amazed. At
captured him and many other friends and servants of King Manfred, her request, Currado called off the dogs and asked her who she
delivering them to King Charles. The whole island soon surrendered. was and what she did there. She told them her story, her rank, her
misfortunes, and her decision to live a savage life.
In this reversal of fortune, Madam Beritola, not knowing what
had become of Arrighetto and fearing dishonor, abandoned all Currado, moved to tears, offered to escort her home or take her to
she possessed. With her eight-year-old son, Giusfredi, and being live with him as his sister. She declined, but Currado left his wife
pregnant, she fled in a boat to Lipari, where she gave birth to another with her, instructing her to bring food and clothing and persuade
son, whom she named Outcast. With her sons and a hired nurse, she her to come with them. The gentle lady stayed with Madam Beritola,
took a ship for Naples, intending to rejoin her family. However, the providing food and clothing, and eventually convinced her to eat and
ship was carried off course by a storm to the desert island of Ponza. dress. After much persuasion, Madam Beritola agreed to accompany
They put in at a little bay to wait for safer weather. Madam Beritola, them to Lunigiana, taking the kids and the she-goat with her.
leaving the others, sought a secluded spot to brood over the loss of
her dear Arrighetto. With fair weather, they embarked on the ship, calling her
Cavriuola to keep her true name secret. They reached the
While she spent her days in solitary grief, a galley of corsairs swooped mouth of the Magra and went to Currado's castle, where Madam
down upon the island, capturing everyone and sailing away. When
The Decameron