Page 40 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 40

The Decameron  The ladies and the young men, especially Filostrato, laughed   wall. He gathered some straw and settled under the balcony,
                                                                   appealing to St. Julian for help.
            heartily at Neifile's narrative of Martellino's misadventures.
            Then Filostrato, who sat next to Neifile, received the queen's
                                                                   In the castle lived a beautiful widow loved by Marquis Azzo.
            command to follow her and promptly began: "Fair ladies, I have
                                                                   That night, the Marquis had planned to visit her but was called
            a story in mind that mingles sacred themes with passages of
            adverse fortune and love. It may be especially useful to travelers
                                                                   away by urgent news. The lady, somewhat disconsolate, decided
            in love's treacherous lands, who often find that, despite having
                                                                   Rinaldo's mournful sounds and sent her maid to investigate.
            a good bed, they are ill-lodged if they fail to say St. Julian's
            paternoster.                                           to take a bath and then go to bed. As she bathed, she heard
                                                                   The maid found Rinaldo shivering and pitifully explained his
                                                                   situation. The lady, moved by pity, had the maid let Rinaldo in
            In the time of the Marquis Azzo da Ferrara, a merchant named   and brought him to her.
            Rinaldo d'Asti, having completed his business in Bologna, set
            out for Verona. On his way, he joined the company of some   Seeing Rinaldo nearly dead from the cold, the lady directed
            men who appeared to be merchants but were actually robbers.   him to a warm bath, which revived him. She provided him with
            They played the part of respectable men, engaging in seemly   clothes that had belonged to her late husband, and Rinaldo,
            and honorable conversation, so Rinaldo felt fortunate to have   grateful for the warmth and shelter, thanked God and St. Julian
            met them. As they traveled, they discussed various topics,   for delivering him from a wretched night and bringing him to
            including the prayers people say while traveling. One of the   comfortable quarters.
            robbers asked Rinaldo about his usual prayer, and Rinaldo
            replied that he always said a paternoster and an avemaria for   The lady, after taking a little rest, had a roaring fire put in one
            the souls of St. Julian's parents, asking for a good inn for the   of her large rooms. She then asked her maid how the good
            night. He believed this prayer had often saved him from peril   man was doing. The maid replied, "Madam, he has put on the
            and provided comfortable lodging.                      clothes, and he looks quite handsome and well-bred." The lady
                                                                   instructed the maid to call him to the fire so they could sup
            The robber, knowing their plan to rob Rinaldo, remarked that he   together, knowing he had not eaten.
            had never said such prayers but always found good lodging. As
            they continued their journey, the robbers waited for the right   When Rinaldo entered the room and saw the lady, he made
            moment to strike. Near Castel Guglielmo, they set upon Rinaldo,   a low bow and thanked her for her kindness. His words and
            robbed him, and left him barefoot and in his shirt, mocking him   appearance pleased the lady, who welcomed him  warmly
            to see if St. Julian would provide him with good lodging that   and questioned him about his adventure. Rinaldo detailed his
            night. Rinaldo's servant fled, leaving Rinaldo to fend for himself   misfortune, and the lady, having heard about his servant's arrival
            in the cold and snowy night.                           at the castle, believed his story. She informed him about his
                                                                   servant and how he could find him the next day.
            Rinaldo, shivering and desperate, set off for Castel Guglielmo,
            hoping to find shelter. However, he arrived to find the gates   They sat down to supper, and the lady, noticing Rinaldo's comely
            locked and the bridges raised. He looked for a place to shelter   form and gracious manner, felt a growing desire for him. After
            from the snow and found a house with a balcony above the castle   supper, she conferred with her maid, who encouraged her

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