Page 55 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 55
in sympathy and then said, "Madam, as you have happily escaped by the women there. When I learned some of their language, I told
recognition throughout these misfortunes, I promise to restore you them I was the daughter of a great gentleman of Cyprus, who intended
to your father in such a way that you will be dearer to him than ever to marry me to a gentleman of Crete, but we were shipwrecked at
before and be married to the King of Algarve." "How?" she asked. Aguamorta. I observed their customs to avoid being cast out. One day,
Antigono explained his plan in detail and, to avoid any interference, the abbess asked if I wanted to return to Cyprus, and I said yes. She
immediately returned to Famagosta. He obtained an audience with entrusted me to some worthy men from France, who were visiting the
the King and said, "Sire, you have the power to do something that sepulchre of their God. They took me to Baffa, where I met Antigono,
will greatly honor you and benefit me, who have grown poor in your who acknowledged me as his daughter. He brought me to the King of
service." "How?" asked the King. Antigono continued, "A fair damsel, Cyprus, who welcomed me and sent me here with great honor. If you
the daughter of the Soldan, long thought to be drowned, has arrived need more details, Antigono can tell you."
in Baffa. She has suffered greatly to preserve her chastity and is now
in poverty, desiring to return to her father. If you send her back under Antigono then addressed the Soldan, "Sire, what she has told you
my escort, it will serve both your honor and my interest, and the Soldan matches what she has often told me and what I learned from those
will never forget such a service." who accompanied her. She omitted one thing: the virtuous and noble
life she led with the devout ladies and the tears and wailings of both
The King, with true royal generosity, approved and had Alatiel brought the ladies and gentlemen when they parted with her. From their words
to Famagosta under honorable escort. There, attended by his Queen, and my observations, you can boast that among all the daughters of
he received her with great pomp and magnificence. Schooled by your peers, none can match yours for virtue and true worth."
Antigono, she gave the King and Queen a version of her adventures that
satisfied their inquiries. After a few days, the King sent her back to the The Soldan was overjoyed by the news and repeatedly thanked God for
Soldan under Antigono's escort, accompanied by a goodly company of the grace to adequately reward those who had honored his daughter,
honorable men and women. The Soldan welcomed her and Antigono especially the King of Cyprus for the honorable escort. He provided
with great cheer. Antigono with a magnificent reward and allowed him to return to
Cyprus, sending a special message of gratitude to the King. Determined
When she was somewhat rested, the Soldan asked how she was still that his daughter should still marry the King of Algarve, he wrote to
alive and where she had been all this time. The lady, having memorized the King, explaining everything and inviting him to send for her if he
Antigono's lesson, answered, "My father, about the twentieth night after still wished to marry her.
I left you, our ship broke apart in a terrible storm and went ashore near
a place called Aguamorta in the West. I don't know what happened to The King of Algarve was delighted by the news and sent for her with
the men aboard, but when day came, the wreck was boarded by locals great pomp. Upon her arrival, he welcomed her warmly. Despite having
intent on plunder. I and two of my women were taken ashore, and been with eight men, she presented herself as a virgin and made the
the women were separated from me by young men. I never learned King believe she was one. They lived long and happily together as king
their fate. I was seized by two young men who dragged me towards a and queen, leading to the saying: "Mouth, for kisses, was never the
forest, but they fled when they saw four men on horseback. These men, worse: like as the moon reneweth her course."
who seemed to be of great authority, questioned me, but we couldn't
understand each other. They took me to a house where a community
of religious ladies lived. I was kindly received and treated with honor. I
paid my devotions to St. Crescent-in-Hollow, who is held in great honor
The Decameron