Page 26 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 26
The Decameron expectations, and he was lost in admiration, his passion inflamed ready repartees, pleases me greatly. In matters of love, men and
women are in different situations. It is wise for a man to aspire
even more. A suite of rooms furnished for a king was placed
to the love of a woman of higher status than his own, while
at his disposal. After a little rest, breakfast time came, and the
King and the Marchioness sat at the same table, while his suite
a woman's good sense is most evident when she knows how
was entertained at other tables according to their ranks. Many
to avoid becoming enamored of a man superior in rank. I will
show you, dear ladies, through my story, how a gentlewoman
courses were served with excellent and rare wines, pleasing
the King greatly. However, he noticed that all the dishes, though
diverse, were variations of pullets. Knowing the domain could
his love through both deed and word.
provide various game and having allowed time for hunting, he defended herself against an attack and weaned her suitor from
was surprised but did not directly question the lady. Instead, The Marquis of Monferrato, a distinguished knight, had gone
he smiled and asked, 'Madam, do hens grow in this country overseas as the leader of the Church's forces. His merits were
without a single cock?' The Marchioness, understanding the being discussed at the court of Philippe le Borgne on the eve
question's drift, saw an opportunity to demonstrate her virtuous of his departure from France for the same service. A knight
resolution. Casting a haughty glance at the King, she replied, remarked that there was no couple under the stars comparable
'Sire, no; but the women here, though they may differ in dress to the Marquis and his lady. While the Marquis was a paragon of
and rank, are of the same nature as elsewhere.' The significance knightly virtues, his lady was unparalleled in beauty and honor
of the pullet banquet and the virtue it veiled became clear to among all the ladies of the world. These words made such a
the King. He realized that words would be wasted on such a lady deep impression on the King of France that, although he had
and that force was out of the question. Yielding to prudence never seen the lady, he fell ardently in love with her. As he was
and honor, he promptly quenched his unfortunate passion for to join the armada, he resolved to embark from Genoa, traveling
the lady. Fearing her answers, he refrained from further jesting by land to find a pretext to visit the Marchioness. He hoped to
and devoted himself to his breakfast. Afterward, he disarmed succeed with her in the absence of the Marquis.
suspicion of his dishonorable intentions by departing early,
thanking her for the honor she had conferred upon him, and The King sent his main army ahead and took the road with a
commending her to God as he took the road to Genoa. small company of gentlemen. As they approached the Marquis's
territory, he sent a courier to the Marchioness, informing her
Here is the updated text in present-day English with old- that he expected to have breakfast with her the next morning.
fashioned words removed: The story told by Dioneo initially The lady, who knew her part well, graciously replied that he
caused some embarrassment among the ladies, as evidenced would be most welcome and that his presence would be the
by the modest blushes on their faces. They exchanged glances greatest of all favors. She then pondered why such a great king
and, barely able to contain their laughter, listened with half- would visit her in her husband's absence and surmised that it
suppressed smiles. When the story concluded, they gently was her beauty that drew him. Nevertheless, she prepared to
reprimanded Dioneo, reminding him that such stories were not honor him appropriately, summoning her retainers and giving
suitable for ladies. The queen then turned to Fiammetta, who all necessary directions, except for the banquet's order and
was seated on the grass beside her, and asked her to continue. dish selection, which she reserved for herself. She had all the
With a cheerful and gracious demeanor, Fiammetta began: "The hens in the countryside brought to the castle and instructed
theme of our storytelling, which highlights the virtue of apt and her cooks to prepare various dishes made exclusively of hens.
The Decameron