Page 31 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 31

The First Day | The Eighth Novell                     Next to Filostrato sat Lauretta, who, when the praises for
             Storyteller: Lauretta                                 Bergamino’s address had ceased, knowing it was her turn to
                                                                   speak, began with charming graciousness: “The last story,
             Which plainly declares that a greedy gentleman is not worthy   dear friends, prompts me to share how a worthy man, also a
             of any honor or respect. Guillaume Boursier, with a few quaint   jester, successfully reprimanded the greed of a very wealthy
             and familiar words, checked the miserable greed of Signior   merchant. Though the theme of my story is similar to the last, I
             Herminio de Grimaldi.                                 hope it will still be appreciated because it has a happy ending.

                                                                   Madam Lauretta, sitting next to Philostratus, after hearing the witty
                                                                   tale of Bergamino, knew she was to say something, so she pleasantly
                                                                   began: This last story, fair and virtuous company, prompts me to tell
                                                                   you how an honest courtier similarly, and not unprofitably, reproved
                                                                   base greed in a wealthy merchant. Though the tale may resemble
                                                                   the previous one, it may still be pleasing due to its good outcome.

                                                                   Not long ago, there lived in Genoa a gentleman named Signior
                                                                   Herminio de Grimaldo, known for his vast inheritances and
                                                                   ready  sums  of  money,  surpassing  any  other  known  citizen
                                                                   in Italy. However, he also excelled in miserly greed, denying
                                                                   not only others but even himself of necessary things to avoid
                                                                   expenses, contrary to the general custom of the Genoese, who
                                                                   enjoyed  decent clothing and  good food.  Due  to  his  miserable
                                                                   greed, they took away the surname Grimaldi, calling him Master
                                                                   Herminio the covetous miser, a nickname fitting his nature.

                                                                   During his time of spending nothing but multiplying his wealth, a civil
                                                                   and honest gentleman, a witty courtier named Guillaume Boursier,
                                                                   arrived in Genoa. Unlike many courtiers who flatter disgraceful
                                                                   manners to gain favor, Guillaume was known for his virtues and
                                                                   was willingly welcomed by the best men in Genoa. After a few
                                                                   days in the city, Guillaume heard much talk of Master Herminio’s
                                                                   miserable greed and desired to see him. Understanding Guillaume’s
                                                                   virtuous disposition, Master Herminio, despite his greed, welcomed
                                                                   him graciously and conversed with him on various occasions.

                                                                   In the company of other Genoese, Master Herminio showed
            1985 HAND COLORED AQUA TINTA / AQUA FORTE              Guillaume his new house, a costly and beautiful building. After
            29,5X19,5 CM. | 11¾X7½ IN. (IMAGE SIZE).
                                                                   showing him the various rarities, he asked Guillaume for advice
                                                                                                           The Decameron
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