Page 34 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 34

After Elisa finished her story, it was the queen's turn to conclude   on foot or  horseback. The lady  and her friends, amused by  his
          The Decameron    "Just as stars adorn the serene night sky and flowers bloom in the   to join them, welcomed him warmly, and offered him fine wines
            the  day's  storytelling. With  a  graceful  demeanor,  she  began:
                                                                   infatuation, decided to mock him. One feast day, they invited him
                                                                   and sweets. They then asked him how he, an old man, could be
            green pastures of spring, so does wit shine in moments of excellent
                                                                   in love with a young woman loved by many fine young gentlemen.
            conversation. Wit, being brief, is more suitable for ladies than for

            men, as lengthy speech is less appropriate when brevity is possible.
            Unfortunately, few ladies today understand or can respond to witty
                                                                   for you should surprise no one familiar with such matters, least of
            remarks. The grace of spirit that distinguished the ladies of the past   Master Alberto, with a cheerful demeanor, replied, "Madam, my love
                                                                   all you, who are worthy of it. Though old men lack the strength for
            has been replaced by adornments of the person. Those who dress   love's full fruition, they still have the good intent and appreciation
            most richly and elaborately consider themselves more worthy of   of what befits a lover, understanding it better than young men due
            honor, forgetting that even a donkey could carry a greater load of   to their experience. My hope in loving you, who are loved by many
            finery without being more deserving of respect.        young men, is based on what I have observed of ladies' ways at
                                                                   lunch. When eating leeks, you often hold the leaves, which are
            I blush to say this, for in criticizing others, I also condemn myself.   distasteful, and discard the head, which is not so bad. How do I
            Dressed up and adorned, we are often silent or as impassive   know that in choosing lovers, you are not equally eccentric? In that
            as statues, or if we do speak, it would be better if we remained   case, I would be your choice, and the rest would be cast aside."
            silent. We pretend that our failure to engage in conversation
            with our equals is due to modesty, dignifying stupidity by calling   The lady, somewhat embarrassed, replied, "Master Alberto,
            it modesty, as if a lady could not be modest and converse with   your reproof is just and courteous. Your love is dear to me, as
            anyone other than her maid or laundress. If Nature had intended   should be the love of a wise and worthy man. Therefore, saving
            this, she would have set other limits to our talkativeness. True,   my honor, I am yours, entirely at your pleasure and command."
            time, place, and person must be considered, as sometimes a witty
            remark intended to shame another can backfire. To avoid such   Master Alberto thanked the lady for her courtesy, bade
            errors and to ensure that you do not exemplify the proverb that   her a cheerful farewell, and left the house. Thus, the lady,
            women always choose the worst, I hope this last story of the day   thinking to conquer, was herself conquered. Let this  be
            will serve as a lesson. As you are distinguished by nobility of nature,   a lesson to you to be cautious in exercising your wit.
            so should you also distinguish yourselves by excellence of manners.
                                                                   As the young ladies and the three young men finished their
            Not many years ago, there lived in Bologna a very great physician,   storytelling, the sun was setting, and the heat of the day had
            whose fame spread throughout the world. His name was Master   greatly diminished. Observing this, the queen spoke graciously,
            Alberto. Despite being nearly seventy years old and lacking the   "Now, dear friends, my day of sovereignty draws to a close. It is
            natural heat of youth, he was still capable of love. Having seen   time to appoint a new queen for tomorrow, who will guide our
            a  beautiful  widow,  Madonna  Malgherida  de'  Ghisolieri,  at  an   activities in a course of seemly pleasure. Though there is still some
            assembly, he became deeply enamored with her. Despite his age,   time before nightfall, it is wise to anticipate the future. Therefore,
            he was as ardently in love as a young man and could not sleep   I decree that from now on, the days begin at this hour. In reverent
            at night unless he had seen her lovely features during the day.   submission to Him who is the life of all beings, we entrust the
            He began to frequent her neighborhood, passing by her house
               The Decameron
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