Page 24 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 24
The Decameron a clever plan. With the air of one who had had enough of the girl's room. Soon after, the abbot, knowing the monk was in the convent and
thinking he had returned with the wood, decided to harshly reprimand
company, he said, 'I shall now leave you to arrange for your departure
and imprison him, so he could keep the girl for himself. Summoning
unnoticed. Stay here quietly until I return.' He then locked the door of
the monk, he angrily scolded him and ordered him to be imprisoned.
the cell, took the key to the abbot's chamber, and handed it to him,
saying, 'Sir, I was not able this morning to bring in all the firewood I
The monk responded calmly, "My Lord, I haven't been in the Order of
had prepared, so with your leave, I will go to the woods and bring it in.'
Saint Benedict long enough to learn everything. Besides, you never
The abbot, desiring to better understand the monk's offense and not
suspecting that the monk knew he had been detected, was pleased
with prayers and fasting. But since you have just taught me by your
with this turn of events and gave the monk the desired leave. The showed me or my fellow monks how to deal with women, as you did
example, I promise to never make this mistake again and to follow
monk withdrew, and the abbot began to consider his next steps. He what I have seen you do."
wondered whether to assemble the brotherhood and open the door
in their presence, so they would have no cause to murmur when he The abbot, realizing the monk knew as much as he did and had seen
punished the monk, or to first learn from the girl how it had come what he shouldn't have, understood he was equally guilty. Unable
about. Reflecting that she might be the wife or daughter of someone to shame the monk without shaming himself, he pardoned him and
who would take it ill that she should be shamed before all the monks, imposed silence on both offenses. They then escorted the poor girl out
he decided to find out who she was first. of the monastery, ensuring she wouldn't make the same mistake again.
The monk, who had only pretended to go to the wood and had
The abbot went softly to the cell, opened the door, and entered, closing concealed himself in the dormitory, was overjoyed to see his plan
it behind him. The girl, seeing that her visitor was the abbot, lost her succeed. He watched through an aperture as the abbot locked the
presence of mind and began to weep. The abbot, seeing that she was door and saw and heard everything. When the abbot had enough time
fresh and comely, fell prey to desires no less strong than those the with the girl, he locked her in the cell and returned to his chamber.
young monk had experienced. He thought to himself, 'Why not take my Seeing the monk soon afterward and thinking he had returned from
pleasure when I may? Here is a fair girl, and no one in the world will the woods, the abbot decided to reprimand him sharply and have him
know. Sin that is hidden is half forgiven. This chance may never come imprisoned, keeping the girl for himself. He summoned the monk,
again.' So, with an altogether different purpose from that with which he scolded him severely, and ordered him to be imprisoned.
had come, he drew near the girl, comforted her, and gradually showed
her his intentions. The girl, being neither of iron nor adamant, was The monk replied, "Sir, I have not been in the order of St. Benedict long
easily persuaded to gratify the abbot, who, after many embraces and enough to know all the rules by heart. You taught me about fasting and
kisses, got upon the monk's bed. Fearing to injure her with his weight, vigils but not how a monk should deal with women. Now that you have
he laid her upon him and enjoyed himself with her for a long time. given me my lesson, I promise, if you pardon my offense, I will never
The young monk, who the abbot thought had left for wood, had hidden repeat it but will always follow the example you have set."
himself on the roof of the dormitory. When he saw the abbot enter
the chamber alone, he felt relieved, hoping for a favorable outcome. The abbot, realizing the monk had seen everything and was more
Through a small crack, he could see and hear everything happening knowledgeable than he, could not punish the monk for what he himself
inside. had done. So, he pardoned the monk, with a warning to keep silent
about what he had seen. They then discreetly escorted the young girl
When the abbot thought he had spent enough time with the girl, he out of the monastery, where it is believed they occasionally caused
left the chamber, locking the door behind him, and returned to his own her to return.
The Decameron