Page 21 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 21
The First Day | The Third Novell to you, which being attentively heard and considered; may
Storyteller: Filomena make you much more cautious in answering various questions
and demands, than perhaps you otherwise would be. Consider
In which the author, approving the christian faith, shows then (most worthy assembly) that just as folly or dullness, many
how beneficial a sudden and ingenious answer can be, times has overthrown some men from places of eminence, into
especially when a man finds himself in some evident danger: great and grievous miseries: even so, discreet sense and good
Melchisedech, a Jew, by recounting a tale of three rings to the understanding, has delivered many out of troublesome perils,
great Sultan, named Saladin, prevented a great danger that and seated them in the safest security. And to prove it true,
was prepared for him. that folly has made many fall from high authority, into poor
and despised calamity; may be confirmed by infinite examples,
which now are needless to remember: But, that good sense
and able understanding, may prove to be the occasion of great
desolation, without happy prevention, I will declare to you in
very few words, and make it good according to my promise.
Saladin was a man so powerful and valiant, that not only his valor
made him Sultan of Babylon, but also gave him many significant
victories, over Kings of the Saracens, and of Christians alike.
Having in various wars, and other magnificent employments
of his own, wasted all his treasure, and (by reason of some
sudden accident happening to him) standing in need to use a
large sum of money, yet not readily knowing where or how to
procure it; he remembered a rich Jew named Melchisedech,
1985 HAND COLORED AQUA TINTA / AQUA FORTE who lent out money at interest in the City of Alexandria. This
29,5X19,5 CM. | 11¾X7½ IN. (IMAGE SIZE).
man he imagined best able to furnish him, if he could be won
to do it willingly: but he was known to be so miserly, that hardly
any means would draw him to it. In the end, constrained by
necessity, and laboring his wits for some apt device whereby
Madame Neiphila having ended her discourse, which was well he might have it: he concluded, though he might not compel
approved by all the company; it pleased the Queen, that Madame him to do it, yet by a practice shadowed with good reason to
Philomena should next continue in order, who thus began: ensnare him. And having sent for him, entertained him very
familiarly in his court, and sitting down by him, thus began.
The tale delivered by Neiphila makes me remember a doubtful
case, which sometime happened to another Jew. And because Honest man, I have often heard it reported by many, that you
that God, and the truth of his holy faith, has been already very are very skillful, and in cases concerning God, you surpass all
well discussed: it shall not seem unfitting (in my poor opinion) to others of these times: wherefore, I would gladly be informed
now discuss the actions of men. Therefore, I will relate a matter by you, which of those three laws or religions, you take to be
The Decameron