Page 18 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 18
The Decameron The friar, believing Ser Ciappelletto to be a most holy man, gave him us, I speak according to appearances and say that he ought rather to
absolution and his blessing. He then asked if Ser Ciappelletto wished
be in the hands of the devil in hell than in Paradise. If this is so, it is
to be buried in their convent should he pass away. Ser Ciappelletto
a manifest token of the superabundance of God's goodness to us, as
agreed, expressing his devotion to the order and requesting the
He regards not our error but the sincerity of our faith. He hearkens
Body of Christ and the holy and extreme unction. The friar, delighted,
unto us when we mistake an enemy for a friend and have recourse
promised to bring the Host.
to him as a holy intercessor for His grace. Therefore, let us commend
The two brothers, who doubted Ser Ciappelletto's ability to deceive the
that we shall be heard, so that we may be preserved safe and sound
friar, listened from behind a partition and could barely contain their ourselves to Him with lauds, reverent devotion, and good confidence
throughout this time of adversity. And so he was silent.
laughter. They marveled at how Ser Ciappelletto remained wicked
even on the threshold of death. However, they were relieved that his
confession secured his burial in the church.
Ser Ciappelletto soon received the sacraments and died shortly after The First Day | The Second Novell
vespers. The brothers arranged for his honorable burial and informed
Storyteller: Neifile
the friars. The friar who had confessed him told the prior and the other
brothers about Ser Ciappelletto's supposed holiness, and they agreed
In which is contained and expressed the generosity and
to receive his body with great veneration.
goodness of god, extended to the christian faith: Abraham,
a Jew, being advised by his friend Jehannot de Chevigny,
The friars kept a solemn vigil over Ser Ciappelletto's body and,
traveled from Paris to Rome. Observing the wicked behavior
the next morning, brought it to their church with great pomp and
of men in the Church there, he returned to Paris, where he
solemnity, followed by many townspeople. The friar who had heard his
nevertheless became a Christian.
confession preached about Ser Ciappelletto's life, extolling his virtues
and recounting his tearful confession. The people, believing the friar's
words, venerated Ser Ciappelletto and eagerly sought to kiss his hands
and feet, tearing off pieces of his cerements as relics.
Ser Ciappelletto's body was honorably interred in a marble tomb,
and the townspeople continued to visit, light tapers, pray, and pay
their vows. His fame as a holy man grew, and he became known as
San Ciappelletto, with many believing that God performed miracles
through his intercession.
So lived and died Ser Ciappelletto da Prato, and came to be reputed
a saint, as you have heard. It is possible that he is among the blessed
in the presence of God, for though his life was evil and depraved, he
might have made a complete act of contrition in his last moments,
and God may have had mercy on him. However, as this is hidden from 1985 HAND COLORED AQUA TINTA / AQUA FORTE
29,5X19,5 CM. | 11¾X7½ IN. (IMAGE SIZE).
The Decameron