Page 13 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 13

in navigating its deep seas; so that, whereas it was used   they will, may hear and see many things, may hawk, hunt,
            to be grievous, now, all discomfort being done away, I find   fish, ride, play, or traffic. By which means all are able to
            that which remains to be delightful. But the cessation of   compose their minds, either in whole or in part, and repair
            the pain has not banished the memory of the kind offices   the ravage wrought by the dumpish mood, at least for some
            done me by those who shared by sympathy the burden of   space of time; and shortly after, by one way or another,
            my griefs; nor will it ever, I believe, pass from me except by   either solace ensues, or the dumps become less grievous.
            death. And as among the virtues gratitude is in my judgment   Wherefore, in some measure to compensate the injustice of
            most especially to be commended, and ingratitude in equal   Fortune, which to those whose strength is least, as we see it
            measure to be censured, therefore, that I show myself not   to be in the delicate frames of ladies, has been most niggard
            ungrateful, I have resolved, now that I may call myself free,   of support, I, for the succor and diversion of such of them as
            to endeavor, in return for what I have received, to afford, so   love (for others may find sufficient solace in the needle and
            far as in me lies, some solace, if not to those who succored   the spindle and the reel), do intend to recount one hundred
            me, and who, perhaps, by reason of their good sense or   novels or fables or parables or stories, as we may please to
            good fortune, need it not, at least to such as may be apt to   call them, which were recounted in ten days by an honorable
            receive it.                                            company of seven ladies and three young men in the time of
                                                                   the late mortal pestilence, as also some canzonets sung by
            And though my support or comfort, so to say, may be of little   the said ladies for their delectation. In these pleasant novels
            avail to the needy, nevertheless it seems to me meet to offer   will  be  found  some  passages  of  love  rudely  crossed,  with
            it most readily where the need is most apparent, because it   other courses of events of which the issues are felicitous, in
            will there be most serviceable and also most kindly received.   times as well modern as ancient: from which stories the said
            Who will deny that it should be given, for all that it may be   ladies, who shall read them, may derive both pleasure from
            worth, to gentle ladies much rather than to men? Within their   the entertaining matters set forth therein, and also good
            soft bosoms, betwixt fear and shame, they harbor secret fires   counsel, in that they may learn what to shun, and likewise
            of love, and how much strength concealment adds to those   what to pursue. Which cannot, I believe, come to pass,
            fires, they know who have proved it. Moreover, restrained by   unless the dumps be banished by diversion of mind. And if
            the will, the caprice, the commandment of fathers, mothers,   it so happens (as God grant it may), let them give thanks to
            brothers,  and  husbands,  confined  most  part  of  their  time   Love, who, liberating me from his fetters, has given me the
            within the narrow compass of their chambers, they live, so   power to devote myself to their gratification.
            to say, a life of vacant ease, and, yearning and renouncing in
            the same moment, meditate divers matters which cannot all
            be cheerful. If thereby a melancholy bred of amorous desire
            makes  entrance  into  their minds, it  is likely  to tarry there
            to their sore distress, unless it be dispelled by a change of
            ideas. Besides which, they have much less power to support
            such a weight than men. For, when men are enamored, their
            case is very different, as we may readily perceive. They, if
            they are afflicted by a melancholy and heaviness of mood,
            have many ways of relief and diversion; they may go where
                                                                                                           The Decameron
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