Page 23 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 23

The First Day | The Fourth Novell                      The silence following Filomena's tale was broken by Dioneo, who,
            Storyteller: Dioneo                                    knowing it was his turn to speak, began without waiting for the queen's
                                                                   word: "Loving ladies, if I have understood your intention correctly, we
            It may be noted that those who criticize others for the errors   are here to entertain each other with stories. Therefore, as long as
            they themselves possess often end up being the cause of   nothing is done that goes against this purpose, I believe it is lawful
            their own criticism: A monk, having committed an offense that   for each of us to tell whatever story seems most amusing. Since we
            deserved severe punishment, avoided the pain by cleverly   have heard how Abraham saved his soul by Jehannot de Chevigny's
            pointing out the same fault in his Abbot.              good counsel and how Melchisedech safeguarded his wealth against
                                                                   Saladin's stratagems by his own good sense, I hope to escape your
                                                                   censure by narrating a brief story of a monk who, by his cleverness,
                                                                   delivered himself from imminent peril of severe punishment.

                                                                   In the not very remote district of Lunigiana, there once flourished a
                                                                   community of monks more numerous and holy than can be found
                                                                   there today. Among them was a young brother whose vigor and
                                                                   lustiness neither fasts nor vigils could subdue. One afternoon, while
                                                                   the rest of the monks slept, our young monk took a stroll around the
                                                                   church, which lay in a secluded spot. He chanced upon a young and
                                                                   very beautiful girl, perhaps the daughter of one of the local farmers,
                                                                   gathering herbs in the fields. No sooner had he seen her than he was
                                                                   sharply assailed by carnal desire. He approached and accosted her,
                                                                   and, with her consent, they came to an understanding and entered
                                                                   his cell together, unnoticed by anyone.

                                                                   While they were inside, the abbot awoke and, passing slowly by the
                                                                   young monk's cell, heard the noise they made. To better distinguish
                                                                   the voices, he came softly up to the door and, listening, discovered
                                                                   that there was undoubtedly a woman inside. His first thought was to
                                                                   force the door open, but he changed his mind and returned to his
                                                                   chamber, waiting for the monk to come out.

                                                                   Though the monk found his time with the girl delightful, he was not
                                                                   without anxiety. He thought he had heard footsteps in the dormitory
                                                                   and, peeking through a convenient aperture, saw the abbot standing
                                                                   by the door listening. Realizing the abbot might have detected the
                                                                   presence of a woman, he was exceedingly distressed, knowing he faced
            1985 HAND COLORED AQUA TINTA / AQUA FORTE              severe punishment. Concealing his worry from the girl, he devised
            29,5X19,5 CM. | 11¾X7½ IN. (IMAGE SIZE).
                                                                                                           The Decameron
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