Page 155 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 155
room in order and left, eager to hear what Fra Cipolla would say when I came to the land of Abruzzi, where men and women go in pattens on
he found the coals. the mountains and clothe hogs with their entrails. Further on, I found folk
who carried bread in staves and wine in sacks. Leaving them, I arrived
After mass, the simple folk went home with the news that the feather at the mountains of the Bachi, where all the waters run downwards.
of the Angel Gabriel would be shown after none. By the time everyone
had breakfasted, the town was filled with men and women eager to see I penetrated so far that I came to India Pastinaca, where I swear by
the feather. my habit that I saw pruning-hooks fly. None would believe it without
seeing it. Maso del Saggio, the great merchant, was there cracking nuts
Fra Cipolla, after a hearty breakfast and nap, got up shortly after noon. and selling the shells by retail. Unable to find what I sought, I turned
Seeing the crowd of country folk who had come to see the feather, he back and came to the Holy Land, where in summer, cold bread costs
sent word to Guccio Imbratta to bring the bells and the wallet. Though it four deniers, and hot bread is free. There, I found the venerable father
was difficult for Guccio to tear himself away from the kitchen and Nuta, Nonmiblasmetesevoipiace, the Patriarch of Jerusalem. Out of respect for
he eventually brought the items. Winded from the effort, he rang the my habit, he showed me many holy relics. I will tell you a few: the finger
bells at the church door. When all the people had gathered, Fra Cipolla, of the Holy Spirit, the tuft of the Seraph that appeared to St. Francis, one
unaware that anything was missing, began his sermon. After much of the nails of the Cherubim, one of the ribs of the Verbum Caro, some
self-glorification, he had the confiteor recited with great solemnity and vestments of the Holy Catholic Faith, some rays of the star that appeared
two torches lit as a prelude to showing the feather of the Angel Gabriel. to the Magi, a phial of the sweat of St. Michael battling the Devil, the jaws
of death of St. Lazarus, and other relics. I gave him a liberal supply of the
He then bared his head, carefully unfolded the taffeta, and took out the acclivities of Monte Morello and some chapters of Caprezio, which he had
casket. After a few words in praise of Gabriel and his relic, he opened long sought. He let me participate in his holy relics and gave me one of
the casket. Seeing only coals inside, he did not suspect Guccio Balena the teeth of the Holy Cross, a bit of the sound of the bells of Solomon's
of playing a trick, knowing he wasn't clever enough. Instead, he blamed temple, this feather of the Angel Gabriel, and one of the pattens of San
himself for entrusting his things to someone "negligent and disobedient, Gherardo da Villa Magna, which I gave to Gherardo di Bonsi in Florence.
reckless and witless." Nevertheless, he did not change color but looked He also gave me some coals with which St. Lawrence was roasted. I
up to heaven and said, "O God, blessed be Thy might forever and ever." brought all these things devoutly and have them safe.
Then, closing the casket, he turned to the people and said, "Ladies and My superior did not permit me to show them until he was sure they were
gentlemen, you should know that when I was a young man, I was sent genuine. Now that miracles have avouched them, he has given me leave to
by my superior to the East to find the Privileges of Porcellana. Though show them. Fearing to trust them to another, I always carry them with me.
they cost nothing to seal, they are of much more use to others than to I carry the feather of the Angel Gabriel in a casket and the coals in another.
us. I set forth from Venice, traversed the Borgo de' Greci, and then on The caskets are so alike that I sometimes mistake one for the other, as I
horseback through the realm of Algarve. I came to Parione, and after a did today. Instead of the feather, I brought the coals. I do not see this as
while, got to Sardinia. But why enumerate all the lands I traveled? Having a mischance but as God's interposition. The feast of St. Lawrence is two
passed the straits of San Giorgio, I arrived at Truffia and Buffia, countries days away, and God guided my hand to the coals to rekindle your devotion
with great nations. I continued to Menzogna, where I met many of our to him. So, blessed children, bare your heads and devoutly draw near to
brethren and other religions, all intent on eschewing hardship for the love see them. Know that whoever has the sign of the cross made upon him
of God, making little account of others' toil, and paying in unminted coin. with these coals will be safe from fire for the whole year.
The Decameron