Page 159 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 159

maid set them down at the foot of a peach tree that grew beside   Gianni, "Now, you will spit when I tell you." "Good," said Gianni.
            a lawn. In her vexation, the lady forgot to tell the maid to wait for   When she had done, she said, "Now, Gianni, spit," and Gianni spat.
            Federigo and let him know that Gianni was there and he must take
            his supper in the garden. She, Gianni, and the maid had scarcely   There  was  no  more  room  for  jealousy  in  Federigo's  mind  as
            gone to bed when Federigo came and tapped once at the door. The   he heard all this from outside. Despite his disappointment, he
            door was near the bedroom, so Gianni heard the tap, as did the   was like to burst with suppressed laughter. When Gianni spat,
            lady, who feigned to be asleep so Gianni would not suspect her.   he muttered under his breath, "Now out with your teeth." The
            Federigo waited a little and then gave a second tap. Wondering   lady, having thrice exorcised the bogey, went back to bed with
            what  it  might  mean,  Gianni  nudged  his  wife,  saying,  "Tessa,  do   her husband. Federigo, disappointed of the supper he was to
            you hear what I hear? It seems someone has tapped at our door."   have had with her, and understanding the words of the orison
            The lady, who had heard the noise much better than he, feigned   correctly, went to the garden. Finding the two capons, the wine,
            to wake up and said, "How? What do you say?" "I say," replied   and the eggs at the foot of the peach tree, he took them home
            Gianni, "that it seems someone has tapped at our door." "Tapped   and supped very comfortably. He and the lady had many a hearty
            at it?" said the lady. "Oh my Gianni, do you not know what that   laugh over the exorcism during their subsequent meetings.
            is? It's the bogey, which has terrified me for some nights past.
            I  never  hear  it  without  popping  my  head  under  the  covers  and   Some say that the lady had indeed turned the ass's head towards
            not daring to put it out again until broad daylight." "Come, come,   Fiesole, but a husbandman passing through the vineyard had
            wife," said Gianni, "if that's what it is, don't be alarmed. Before   given it a blow with his stick, causing it to swing around and face
            we got into bed, I repeated the "Te lucis", the "Intemerata", and   Florence. Thus, Federigo thought he was invited and came to the
            several other good orisons. I also made the sign of the cross in   house. Federigo had to leave, having neither slept nor supped.
            the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit at each corner of the
            bed. We need not fear that it can harm us, whatever its power."   A neighbor of mine, a lady well advanced in years, tells me that
                                                                   both stories are true, but the latter concerned not Gianni Lotteringhi
            The lady, lest Federigo suspecting a rival, should take offense,   but one Gianni di Nello, who lived at Porta San Piero and was no
            resolved to get up and let him know that Gianni was there. She said   less a simpleton than Gianni Lotteringhi. So, dear ladies, you are
            to her husband, "Well, well, you say so, but I will never feel safe and   at liberty to choose which exorcism you prefer or take both if you
            secure unless we exorcise it, seeing that you are here." "Oh!" said   like. They are both of extraordinary and approved virtue in such
            Gianni, "and how does one exorcise it?" "That," said the lady, "I know   cases, as you have heard. Get them by heart, and they may yet
            right well. The other day, when I went to Fiesole for the pardoning,   stand you in good stead.
            one of those anchoresses, the saintliest creature, my Gianni, God
            be my witness, knowing how much afraid I am of the bogey, taught
            me a holy and salutary orison. She said she had tried it many times
            before she became an anchoress, always with success. God knows,
            I would never have had the courage to try it alone, but since you
            are here, I propose we exorcise it together." Gianni agreed, so they
            got up and snuck to the door, where Federigo, now suspicious,
            was still waiting. As soon as they were there, the lady said to

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