Page 158 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 158

The Decameron  The Seventh Day | The First Novell        things, which he greatly prized and guarded with jealous care,
                                                                   deeming them all most conducive to the salvation of his soul.
            Storyteller: Emilia

            Criticizing the simplicity of foolish husbands and revealing the
                                                                   Now, our simple master-spinner had a most beautiful and amorous
                                                                   wife named Monna Tessa. She was the daughter of Mannuccio
            cunning of some women to achieve their unlawful desires. Gianni
                                                                   dalla Cuculla and was quite knowing and keen-witted. Being
            Lotteringhi was awakened one night by a knock at the door. His wife,
                                                                   enamored of Federigo di Neri Pegolotti, a handsome and lusty
            Monna Tessa, made him believe it was a spirit knocking. Together,
                                                                   gallant who was also in love with her, she took counsel with her
            they arose to conjure the "spirit" with a prayer.
                                                                   maid and arranged for Federigo to come to chat with her at a
                                                                   pleasure-house that Gianni had at Camerata, where she spent
                                                                   the summer. Gianni would come now and again to sup and sleep,
                                                                   then go back in the morning to his shop or to his laud-singers.
                                                                   Federigo, who desired nothing better, went there punctually on
                                                                   the appointed day about vespers. As the evening passed without
                                                                   Gianni making his appearance, Federigo comfortably and to his
                                                                   great satisfaction, supped and slept with the lady, who, lying
                                                                   in his arms, taught him some of her husband's lauds that night.

                                                                   Neither  she  nor  Federigo  wanted  this  beginning  to  be  the  end
                                                                   of  their  relationship,  so  they  came  to  an  understanding.  As
                                                                   often as Federigo came and went between the house and an
                                                                   estate he had a little higher up, he would keep an eye on a
            29,5X19,5 CM. | 11¾X7½ IN. (IMAGE SIZE).               vineyard beside the house. There, he would see an ass's head
                                                                   stuck on one of the poles of the vineyard. If he observed the
                                                                   muzzle turned towards Florence, he could visit her without
                                                                   any misgiving. If he found the door not open, he was to tap it
                                                                   thrice, and she would open it. If he saw the muzzle of the ass's
            There once lived in Florence, in the quarter of San Pancrazio,
                                                                   head turned towards Fiesole, he was to keep away, for then
            a master-spinner named Gianni Lotteringhi. He had prospered
                                                                   Gianni would be there. Following this plan, they met not seldom.
            in his business but had little understanding of anything else.

            Being somewhat of a simpleton, he was often chosen as the
                                                                   One evening, when Federigo was to sup with Monna Tessa on
            leader of the band of laud-singers of Santa Maria Novella and
                                                                   two fat capons she had boiled, Gianni arrived unexpectedly and
            had charge of their school. He served in many similar offices,
                                                                   very late, much to the lady's chagrin. She had a little salt meat
            which he greatly prided himself on. However, this was only
                                                                   boiled apart, on which she supped with her husband. The maid,
            because he was a man of substance and gave liberal donations
                                                                   by her orders, carried the two boiled capons laid in a spotless
            to the Friars. In return, they taught him good prayers, gave him
                                                                   napkin with plenty of fresh eggs and a bottle of good wine into
            the Lord’s Prayer in the vernacular, or the chant of St. Alexis, or
                                                                   the garden, where she sometimes supped with Federigo. The
            the lament of St. Bernard, or the laud of Lady Matilda, or similar
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