Page 110 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 110

The Decameron  When Neifile finished her tale, moving the entire assembly to   The next day, Rossiglione, armed and accompanied by two loyal
            compassion, the King, wanting to uphold Dioneus’ privilege, began
                                                                   servants sworn to secrecy, hid in a woodland area about a mile from
                                                                   his castle where Guardastagno would pass. After waiting for about
            thus: "I recall a story, gentle ladies, which, seeing we are so deeply
                                                                   two hours, he saw Guardastagno approaching with two unarmed
            into tragic tales of unsuccessful love, will provoke as much sympathy
                                                                   attendants, as they suspected no treachery. As Guardastagno
            as  the  one  just  told.  What  makes  it  even  more  moving  is  that  it
                                                                   reached the ambush spot, Rossiglione charged at him with a sharp
            involves people of high standing.
            According to the people of Provence, there once lived two noble
                                                                   to defend himself and unsupported by his attendants, was mortally
            knights, each owning castles and having followers. One was named   lance, shouting, "False villain, you are dead!" Guardastagno, unable
                                                                   wounded and fell dead. His men hurried back to their lord's castle,
            Messer Guiglielmo de Rossiglione, and the other, Messer Guiglielmo   fearing the same fate. They did not recognize the attackers due to
            Guardastagno. Both were valiant and skilled in arms, which only   their martial disguises.
            strengthened their friendship. They were often seen together in
            tournaments and other martial activities, going about nearly every   Rossiglione dismounted and, with a sharp knife, took Guardastagno's
            day in matching garments. Though their castles were five miles apart,   heart, wrapped it in the bandolier of his lance, and gave it to one of
            they regularly spent time together as close friends.   his men, instructing strict secrecy. He then returned to his castle
                                                                   as night fell. The lady, having expected Guardastagno, wondered
            Messer Guiglielmo de Rossiglione was married to a beautiful lady.   at his delay and expressed surprise to Rossiglione. He lied, saying
            Messer Guardastagno, forgetting the laws of respect and loyal   Guardastagno would not arrive until the next day, leaving her in
            friendship, fell deeply in love with her. He expressed his love openly   silent disappointment."
            enough that she noticed and, seemingly, reciprocated his feelings.
            However, she remained mindful of her honour, unlike Guardastagno,   Rossiglione left his wife and went to the kitchen, where he called
            who neglected his loyalty to his friend.               for the cook. He gave him the heart, saying, "Take this heart of a
                                                                   wild boar, which I had the good fortune to kill today, and prepare it
            This careless love was carried on with such recklessness that,   in the most delicious way you can. When it is ready, serve it to me
            while it may or may not have reached fruition, Rossiglione noticed   in a silver dish with appropriate sauce." The cook took the heart,
            certain behaviour he couldn't tolerate. This long-standing friendship   believing it to be from a boar as his master said, and using his best
            turned into deep-seated hatred, which he masked with an outward   cooking skills, he expertly sliced it and made it delicious.
            display of continued friendship, but inwardly, he had sworn to kill   When supper time came, Rossiglione sat at the table with his wife,
            Guardastagno. He only needed to find the best way to do it, which   but he had almost no appetite, as the terrible deed weighed heavy
            he did.                                                on his mind. Finally, the cook brought in the dish and served it to his
                                                                   wife. Rossiglione, pretending to lack appetite, urged her with kind
            A tournament was announced throughout France by the sound of a   words to taste the cook’s skill.
            trumpet, and Rossiglione informed Guardastagno, inviting him to visit
            if he planned to participate. Guardastagno, eager to see his beloved,   The lady, having a good appetite, enjoyed the dish so much that she
            replied that he would come and have supper with Rossiglione the   nearly finished it. When Rossiglione saw that she had eaten it all,
            next evening. Rossiglione then plotted how to carry out the deed.  he asked her how she liked it. She replied, "In all my life, I’ve never
                                                                   had anything better." Rossiglione responded, "I believe you, madam,

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