Page 105 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 105

The next night, Gabriotto insisted on visiting her despite her attempts   I loved and made my husband, should be buried like a dog or left in the
            to dissuade him. They met in the garden, where they sat by a beautiful   street. He has had my tears, and he shall have the tears of his family. I
            fountain. After some time, Gabriotto asked why she had forbidden him to   know what we must do." She sent the maid for a piece of silken cloth,
            come. Andreuola told him about her dream and the fear it had caused.   which they spread on the ground. They laid Gabriotto's body on it, resting
            Gabriotto laughed, saying it was foolish to believe in dreams, as they   his head on a pillow. She closed his eyes and mouth, shedding many
            were caused by too much or too little food and were often meaningless.   tears, wove a wreath of roses for him, and covered him with the roses
            He shared his own dream from the previous night, in which he caught a   they had gathered. She said to the maid, "It is a short way to his house.
            beautiful she-goat that became tame and friendly. As the she-goat lay   We will carry him there and leave him at the door. Day will soon dawn,
            with her head in his lap, a black greyhound appeared, gnawed through his   and they will take him up. Though it will not console them, I will be glad
            chest, and tore out his heart. He awoke in pain but found nothing wrong   that he died in my arms."
            and laughed at himself for searching.
                                                                   She burst into tears again and wept over the corpse. Finally, urged by
            Andreuola's fear grew, but she hid it from Gabriotto. As they spent time   the maid, she arose, took the ring with which she had been wedded to
            together, Gabriotto suddenly sighed, embraced her, and said, "Alas! my   Gabriotto, and placed it on his finger. She said with tears, "Dear my lord, if
            soul, help me, for I die." He fell to the ground, and Andreuola, weeping,   your soul sees my tears, or if any sense remains in your body, graciously
            asked what ailed him. Gabriotto was silent, gasping for breath, and soon   receive this last gift from the one you loved in life." She swooned and
            died in her arms.                                      fell upon the corpse. After a while, she came to herself, and she and the
                                                                   maid took the cloth with the body and left the garden, heading towards
            You can imagine the distress of the girl, who loved him more than herself.   Gabriotto's house.
            She mourned him with many tears and called his name in vain. When
            she felt his body and found it cold, she knew he was dead. Tearful and   As they went, they encountered the Podesta's guard, who arrested them
            woebegone, she went to call the maid, to whom she had confided her love,   with the corpse. Andreuola, to whom death was more welcome than life,
            and showed her the calamity that had befallen her. They wept together   said, "I know who you are, and that flight would be useless. I am ready to
            over Gabriotto's dead face, and then the girl said to the maid, "Now that   come with you and tell everything. But do not touch me or take anything
            God has taken him from me, I have no desire to live. But before I end my   from this body, or I will accuse you." None dared to touch her or the corpse,
            life, I want to find a way to preserve my honor and the secret of our love,   and they entered the palace.
            and to bury his body."
                                                                   The Podesta, informed of the affair, had her brought to his room and
            The maid replied, "My daughter, do not speak of ending your life, for   learned the circumstances. Physicians examined the body and agreed
            you would lose him in the other world as well. Instead, put on a cheerful   that Gabriotto had not been poisoned but had died from the bursting of
            courage and think of helping his soul with your prayers or pious works. We   an abscess near his heart. The Podesta, seeing that the girl's guilt was
            can bury him in this garden, and no one will ever know. If you do not want   slight, tried to take advantage of her, but she bravely defended herself
            that, we can take him out of the garden and leave him there. Tomorrow,   and drove him away with scornful words.
            he will be found and buried by his family."
                                                                   When it was broad daylight, the news reached Messer Negro, who, half
            The girl, though heavy with anguish, listened to the maid's counsel. She   dead with grief, hurried with several friends to the palace. After hearing
            rejected the first option and said, "God forbid that a youth so dear, whom   all that the Podesta had to say, he demanded the return of his daughter.

                                                                                                           The Decameron
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