Page 108 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 108

The Decameron  The Fourth Day | The Eighth Novell        When Emilia finished her story, Neifile began her tale:
                                                                   Some people, noble ladies, believe they are wiser than everyone else
            Storyteller: Neifile
                                                                   but are actually less wise. They think they can measure their intelligence
                                                                   against not only others but also the nature of things, often leading to
            Girolamo, in love with a young maiden named Silvestra, was forced
                                                                   serious mistakes. Nothing good ever comes from such arrogance. Love,
            by his mother to travel to Paris. When he returned home, he found
                                                                   in particular, doesn't tolerate being controlled or suppressed, as it is
            that his love, Silvestra, was married. Secretly, he managed to enter
                                                                   more likely to fade on its own than to be forced away. I'll tell you a story
            her house and died on the bed next to her. Later, his body was taken
                                                                   about a lady who, thinking she was wiser than she was, tried to remove
            to church for burial, and she also died instantly beside his coffin.
                                                                   Love from her son's heart, only to lose both Love and life from him.

                                                                   In our city, there was once a wealthy merchant named Leonardo
                                                                   Sighieri, who had a son named Girolamo. After Leonardo's death, his
                                                                   affairs were well managed by his wife and guardians. As Girolamo
                                                                   grew up, he befriended a girl named Salvestra, the daughter of a
                                                                   tailor. Their friendship blossomed into great love, which Girolamo's
                                                                   mother noticed and often scolded him for. Fearing that Girolamo
                                                                   might marry Salvestra or feel heartbroken if she married someone
                                                                   else, she confided her worries to his guardians. They decided to send
                                                                   Girolamo to Paris to forget Salvestra and find a well-born girl to marry.

                                                                   Girolamo reluctantly agreed to go to Paris for a year but was kept there
                                                                   for two years. When he returned, he found Salvestra married to a tent-
                                                                   maker. Heartbroken, he tried to compose himself and crossed her path,
                                                                   hoping she had not forgotten him. However, she seemed to have no
                                                                   recollection of him. Determined to speak to her, he entered her house
                                                                   one evening and hid in her room. When she and her husband returned
                                                                   and went to bed, Girolamo gently laid his hand on her chest and
                                                                   revealed himself. Salvestra, trembling, begged him to leave, reminding
                                                                   him that she was now married and could only care for her husband.

                                                                   Girolamo, distressed, reminded her of their past love and begged to lie
                                                                   beside her to warm himself. Salvestra, pitying him, agreed. Girolamo lay
                                                                   beside her, but, overwhelmed by his love, her rejection, and his ruined
                                                                   hopes, he decided to live no longer. Without a word, he died by her side.

                                                                   After  a  while, Salvestra,  thinking he slept, tried  to  wake  him  and
            1985 HAND COLORED AQUA TINTA / AQUA FORTE              found him cold as ice. Realizing he was dead, she was grief-stricken.
            29,5X19,5 CM. | 11¾X7½ IN. (IMAGE SIZE).               She awakened her husband and, without disclosing the truth, asked
               The Decameron
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