Page 109 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 109

what he would do if such a thing happened to her. He suggested   The Fourth Day | The Ninth Novell
            taking the dead man home and leaving him there. Salvestra agreed,   Storyteller: Filostrato
            and her husband, confident in his innocence, dressed Girolamo
            and  carried  him  to  his  house,  where  he  left  him  at  the  door.   Messer Guiglielmo of Rossiglione, believing Messer Guiglielmo
                                                                   Guardastagno loved his wife, killed him and gave her his heart to eat.
            Day came, and the dead man was found before his own door,   When she learned of this, she threw herself from a high window to
            causing a great stir, especially among his mother and other ladies,   the ground. After her death, she was buried with her friend.
            who began to wail and mourn over him without restraint. The
            body  was  examined  carefully,  and  finding  no  wound  or  trace  of
            violence, the doctors concluded that he had died of grief. The
            body  was  taken  to  a  church,  where  the  mourning  continued.

            The good man, in whose house the death occurred, instructed Salvestra
            to wrap a mantle around her head and go to the church to listen to
            what the women said about the matter, while he did the same among
            the men. Salvestra, now yearning to see Girolamo dead, whom she
            had not comforted in life, went to the church. There, seeing his dead
            face, her heart, which had remained closed to him while he lived,
            opened anew with compassion. She made her way through the crowd
            of women, threw herself upon the dead youth, and, before she could
            drench his face with her tears, grief took her life as it had taken his.

            The women, trying to comfort her, found her stiff and stark,
            realizing she was dead. They saw her to be Salvestra, and their
            wailing grew louder. The news spread among the men, reaching
            Salvestra's husband, who wept for a long time. He then told
            others what had happened between the youth and his wife, and it
            became known how they came to die, causing common sorrow.

            The dead girl was dressed as they dress the dead and laid beside the
            youth. They were mourned for a long time and then buried in the same
            tomb, united by death in an unbreakable union that love had not been
            able to achieve in life.

                                                                   1985 HAND COLORED AQUA TINTA / AQUA FORTE
                                                                   29,5X19,5 CM. | 11¾X7½ IN. (IMAGE SIZE).
                                                                                                           The Decameron
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