Page 101 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 101

The Fourth Day | The Fourth Novell                     Guglielmo the Second, King of Sicily, had two children: a son named
            Storyteller: Elissa                                    Ruggieri and a daughter named Gostanza. Ruggieri died before his
                                                                   father, leaving a son named Gerbino. Raised by his grandfather,
            Gerbino, against his grandfather King Gulielmo's promise,   Gerbino grew into a gallant and renowned figure, known for his
            attacked a ship at sea belonging to the King of Tunis to rescue   prowess and courtesy not only in Sicily but also in other parts of
            the king's daughter, who was on board. The captors killed her,   the world, including Barbary, then a tributary to the King of Sicily.
            so he killed them in return. Ultimately, Gerbino was beheaded   Among those who heard of Gerbino's magnificent deeds was the
            for his actions.                                       daughter of the King of Tunis, a creature as fair and noble as Nature
                                                                   ever formed. She delighted in tales of brave men and became
                                                                   enamored with Gerbino through the stories she heard. She spoke
                                                                   of him often and with great pleasure.

                                                                   Similarly, the fame of her incomparable beauty and virtues reached
                                                                   Sicily and delighted Gerbino, who burned with love for her. Yearning
                                                                   to see her, he charged every friend traveling to Tunis to convey
                                                                   his secret love and bring back news of her. One friend, posing as
                                                                   a  merchant  with  jewels,  informed  her  of  Gerbino's  passion  and
                                                                   placed him and all he possessed at her disposal. The lady, delighted,
                                                                   reciprocated his love and sent him one of her most precious jewels.
                                                                   Gerbino, overjoyed, sent her many letters and gifts through the
                                                                   same messenger. They understood that, given the opportunity,
                                                                   they would see and know each other.
            29,5X19,5 CM. | 11¾X7½ IN. (IMAGE SIZE).               The affair remained unresolved for longer than was wise, and while
                                                                   Gerbino and the lady burned with mutual love, the King of Tunis
                                                                   arranged her marriage to the King of Granada. She was furious,
                                                                   feeling severed from her lover and unable to see a way to escape.
             When Lauretta finished her story, she fell silent. The king, deep in
                                                                   Gerbino, upon learning of the marriage, was equally vexed and
             thought, brooded while the company commented on the lovers'
                                                                   considered rescuing her by force. Rumors of Gerbino's love and
             sad fates or criticized Ninette's wrath. Eventually, the king roused
                                                                   intent reached the King of Tunis, who, fearing Gerbino's prowess,
             himself and signaled to Elisa to speak. Modestly, Elisa began:
                                                                   sought assurance from King Guglielmo that the marriage could
             "Gracious ladies, many believe that Love only strikes when kindled
                                                                   proceed without interference. Unaware of Gerbino's love, King
             by the eyes, dismissing the idea that passion can be sparked by
                                                                   Guglielmo granted the assurance.
             words. Their error will be evident in the story I am about to tell,
             where mere rumor not only created mutual love between two
                                                                   The King of Tunis prepared a great ship to send his daughter to
             people who had never seen each other but also led to their tragic
                                                                   Granada. The lady, seeing this, sent a servant to Palermo to inform
                                                                   Gerbino of her impending departure and challenge him to prove
                                                                                                           The Decameron
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