Page 99 - THE DECAMERON: A Visionary Journey in 100 Stories and 100 Etchings by Petru Russu
P. 99

very rich in lands, goods, and money. He had many children by   without hindrance to our mutual contentment. It's up to you now
            his wife, three of whom were daughters, older than his sons. Two   to accept or reject this offer."
            were twins, fifteen years old, and the third was fourteen. Nothing
            hindered their marriage plans except for the return of their father,   The two brothers, whose expenses exceeded their means,
            Narnaldo, who was away in Spain on a trading trip. The eldest   saw hope in how to achieve their loves. Without hesitation,
            daughter was named Ninetta, the second was Magdalena, and   they agreed to join him in this plan, no matter the danger, and
            the third was Bertella. A gentleman named Restagnone, although   promised to share their wealth with him. Restagnone heard their
            poor in fortune, was very much in love with Ninetta, and she was   answer and, within a few days, managed to secretly meet with
            equally in love with him. They kept their love secret for a long   Ninetta. He explained everything that passed between him and the
            time, enjoying their hearts’ content without being discovered.  other two gentlemen, giving many reasons for her to agree to their
                                                                   plan. Though she initially doubted, her desire to be with him daily
            One day, two other young men, Folco and Hugnetto, who had   overpowered any reservations. She finally agreed, promising to
            inherited great wealth from their father, also fell in love with   convince her sisters to join them. She told Restagnone to prepare
            Magdalena and Bertella respectively. Restagnone learned of   everything for their departure as soon as possible.
            this through his beloved Ninetta, and he planned to relieve
            his poverty by helping both their love and his own. He became   Restagnone returned to Folco and Hugnetto, who eagerly
            friends with them, sometimes walking with Folco, sometimes   awaited the outcome. He informed them that their ladies were
            with Hugnetto, and often with both, visiting their mistresses   as keen as they were, and they only needed to prepare for their
            and continuing their friendship. One day, when the opportunity   sudden departure. They decided on Candie as their destination
            was right and he had invited the two gentlemen to his house, he   and sold some properties and goods. They purchased a nimble
            spoke to them this way:                                ship, fortified it, and awaited favorable winds. Ninetta, knowing
                                                                   her sisters’ eagerness and their secret preparation, planned a
            "Kind friends, the honest friendship that has grown between us   successful escape. On the night of their escape, they secretly
            assures you of the constant love I bear for you both. I’m as willing   gathered gold and jewels from their father’s chest and met their
            to work for your benefit as I desire to achieve my own. Because   lovers at an agreed place. They sailed smoothly, arriving in Genoa
            my true affection can’t hide itself from you, I want to share an   by the next night, where they married each other and enjoyed
            idea I’ve been thinking about for a long time, which can now be   their long-sought happiness. They  sailed again, well-provided,
            realized if you agree. Let me tell you, unless your words are false   and within eight days landed in Candie without any trouble. They
            and your actions deceitful, just like me, you suffer from the love   settled down, bought land, built homes, and enjoyed a delightful
            you bear for two of the sisters, with equal reciprocation of their   life, living like three brothers with mutual contentment.
            affection. To ease our tormenting flames, if you agree to the plan
            I’ll suggest, we can all find comfort. As both of you are wealthy,   As time passed, Restagnone, who dearly loved Ninetta and
            and I am extremely poor, if you combine your riches and include   had her without fear of loss, eventually grew tired of her and
            me, we can choose a place to live comfortably and be happy. I’m   failed to maintain the same affection. At a banquet, he met a
            confident that all the sisters, who are also well-endowed with   beautiful local woman that captivated him. He pursued her and
            their father’s wealth, will join us wherever we decide. There   spent generously on her. Ninetta noticed and became extremely
            each man can freely enjoy his beloved, living like three brothers   jealous. This jealousy grew into fury and eventually cruel hatred

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