Page 152 - Masters
P. 152


                     bETTY JONkER

                     Lives and works in Emmen, The Netherlands

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                                                                                           Betty  Jonker  picked  up  her  brush
                                                                                           and  palette  at  a  young  age.  She
                                                                                           began  her  ar tistic  career  as  a
                                                                                           d r a w i n g   i n s t r u c t o r,   a n d   w a s
                                                                                           the  co-owner  of  an  advertising
                                                                                           consultancy  for  twenty-five  years,
                                                                                           where she designed for national and
                                                                                           international organizations. She won
                                                                                           awards for a number of her designs.
                                                                                           In 2001, she decided to bid farewell
                                                                                           to  the  world  of  advertising,  and
                                                                                           once again had more time to focus
                                                                                           on  painting.  Initially,  she  worked
                                                                                           exclusively in oils, but by shifting to
                                                                                           acrylics  she  developed  an  entirely
                                                                                           new style. This style is a confluence/
                                                                                           merging  of  impressionism  and
                                                                                           expressionism. Betty Jonker's work
                                                                                           impresses  by  a  bold  st yle  and
                                                                                           extraordinary  use  of  color.  She
                                                                                           paints  with  a  sure  and  confident
                                                                                           hand. Her work shows a background
                                                                                           of  experience  in  composition  and
                                                                                           color placement.
                                                                                           Her  interpretations,  executed  in
                                                                                           deft  brushstrokes,  create  vibrant
                                                                                           impressions  of  abstract  flowers,
                                                                                           people, landscapes and animals with
                                                                                           a playful nod to human relationships.
                                                                                           Betty Jonker exhibits at home and
                                                                                           Betty  is  co-founder  of  the  dutch
                                                                                           Florence  Biennale  ar tis t s  and
                                                                                           member of the selection committee
                                                                                           of world Art vision-Mexico.

                                                                                              WaItING  FOr  YOU  (DIPTYCH),  2007
                                                                                           ACRYLIC  ON  LINEN  55x31  IN.  +  44x15,5  IN.
                                                                                           /140x80 CM. + 140x40 CM.
                                                                                              FarFaLLa  DONNe,  2008  ACRYLIC  ON
                                                                                           LINEN 40x62 IN. /100x160 CM.  
                                                                                              sHe's  mINe,  2006  ACRYLIC  ON  LINEN
                                                                                           27x55 IN. /70x140 CM.  
                                                                 masters of today
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