Page 154 - Masters
P. 154


                     CAROLYN COLE

                     Lives and works in Portland, OR, USA

        SEARCH THE ARTIST ONLINE            

                                                                               Carolyn Cole ‘s mixed media abstractions play to the
                                                                               senses, the heart, and the emotions. She deploys
                                                                               color,  mass,  composition,  and  line  to  command
                                                                               attention, mesmerize, and draw us into places of her
                                                                               own making. Once there, we are allowed to wander
                                                                               at will, left to discover the incidents and clues she
                                                                               leaves behind to tantalize, provoke and intrigue.

                                                                               At  first  glance,  Cole’s  works  appear  to  be  simply
                                                                               paint  on  canvas.  A  longer  look  reveals  that  they
                                                                               are composed through a purposeful, multi-phased
                                                                               process that includes collage, painting, and drawing.
                                                                               She builds up the canvas with recycled envelopes,
                                                                               creating an overall grid of vertical, horizontal, and
                                                                               diagonal lines. The grid, plus the varied hues of the
                                                                               papers – ivory, cream, and white – and the remnants
                                                                               of writing or printing showing through, give Cole a
                                                                               painting surface that is both smooth to the touch
                                                                               and rich to the eye. The structure of the final work
                                                                               is  already  invested  in  the  prepared  canvas;  this
                                                                               underlying  architecture  provides  the  essential
                                                                               dimension, strength and balance to Cole’s work.

                                                                               Cole  begins  to  paint  knowing  generally  how  the
                                                                               work will be composed, what the color palette will
                                                                               be, and what sort of aesthetic challenge she intends
                                                                               to set for herself based on past explorations. while
                                                                               the painting process proceeds intuitively, it draws
                                                                               on all of the knowledge the artist has gained from
                                                                               her  past  work  and  carefully  documented  in  daily
                                                                               journals. As she builds up the surface, layering on
                                                                               paint, she makes hundreds of decisions regarding
                                                                               the  juxtaposition  of  colors,  their  opacit y  or
                                                                               transparency, their size, shape, and function in the

                                                                                UNtItLeD (100716)
                                                                               2007 MIxED MEDIA ON CANvAS 42x32 IN. /106x81 CM.
                                                                                                           UNtItLeD (40803)
                                                                                  2008 MIxED MEDIA ON CANvAS 42x42 IN. /106x106 CM.   
                                                                                                           UNtItLeD (60801)
                                                                                   2008 MIxED MEDIA ON CANvAS 38x38 IN. /96x96 CM.   
                                                                                                          UNtItLeD (120706)
                                                                                  2007 MIxED MEDIA ON CANvAS 73x73 IN. /185x185 CM.   
                                                                 masters of today
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