Page 155 - Masters
P. 155


        finished work. Areas of color reinforce or contradict the underlying grid.   Cole sometimes employs the language of landscape painting to discuss
        The interaction of color defines the work’s tone and emotion. Acts of   her paintings, referring to a work’s horizon, or noting the source for a
        scraping, drawing, re-painting, scrubbing, revealing, and obscuring are   certain shape as the Oregon roadside or the shore. Yet, her works have
        all employed as the world being created gains depth and life.  an atmospheric quality, indeed, a depth and an undeniable mystery,
                                                                 that take them beyond the observed towards the imagined. Part of this
        Clearly,  Cole  is  an  extraordinary  colorist.  Her  reds,  oranges,  and   derives from Cole’s compositional strategies: grid contradicts horizon;
        yellows glow like flames; her blues, from pure ultramarine to cobalt to   horizons rarely meet the edges of the canvas; and the sheer power of
        blue gray, are deeply atmospheric; her greens are redolent of spring   her color, that all conspire to foil the notion of landscape and reinforce
        grasses and humid forest. Even in the softest palette of pastel pinks,   the viewer’s experience of a separate, previously undiscovered, world.
        greens and grays, her work is assertive and assured. Yet, as important   In the end, it is the uniqueness of Cole’s vision, honed over years of
        as it is, color is nevertheless a means to the creative end, not the sole   disciplined work and masterfully executed, that draws us to, and holds
        purpose, of the work.                                    us in, this floating world of her making.
                                                                                                            Barbara gibbs
                                                                 masters of today
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