Page 151 - Masters
P. 151


                     CHARLES CARSON

                     Lives and works in Laurentides, quebec, Canada


        Charles Carson concentrates on the essentials of structure, the purity   It’s more because he is so unclassifiable to begin with, so unique is his
        of  forms,  the  transparency  and  vividness  of  colors.  He  paints  with   form of writing. (He) gives each painting an extraordinary depth that is
        complete assurance and focuses on different studies involving color and   much more fascinating than the most masterful system of perspective.
        aesthetics. The work Charles Carson is doing can be clearly distinguished   The impression of freshness and energy we find in Carson’s paintings
        from that of a Riopelle as it takes us to the border lying between the   comes in part from the brightness and purity of the colours, harmonised
        abstract and the figurative (…). In so doing we are able to avoid the old   in a rhythmic and airy juxtaposition by patches of white. The placement
        quarrel that has so often arisen between them; indeed it might be said   of broad strokes (…) seems to be raised up by some mysterious breath,
        that, with Carson, reconciliation takes place. Carson, slicing like a blade   discreet yet efficacious, animating the whole composition.
        to the core of the matter, launches himself onto each blank canvas via   guy Robert, founder, Museum Of Contemporary Art, Montreal
        the rapid and nervous dance of his hand, using layered touches nearly
        always on the diagonal or in wide ellipses.              I have been maintaining since 1992 that Charles Carson has developed
        From this way of doing things, à la Carson, “comes an impression of such   a truly novel way of interpreting Nature and its creatures in a style that
        freshness, such dynamism, and what rhythm (…)!” that a new –ism, is   conforms to the principles of aesthetics in terms of the subjects of his
        of necessity required by art experts. Hence Carsonism!   compositions and his chromatic resonance.
        It’s not that Carson is trying to impose a new pictorial language on anyone!   Louis Bruens, art historian, editor and critic

                                    aU JarDIN De mON COeUr, OIL ON CANvAS (CARSONISM TECHNIqUE) 60x40 IN. / 152x102 CM.
                                    reFLet D’aUtOmNe aU rUIsseLLemeNt COLOrÉ, ACRYLICS ON CANvAS (MOSAIC TECHNIqUE) 40x30 IN. / 102x76 CM.   
                                    HaVre De PaIx HaUt eN COULeUrs, OIL ON CANvAS (CARSONISM TECHNIqUE) 60x40 IN / 152x102 CM.   

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