Page 148 - Masters
P. 148
Lives and works in Carmel, CA, USA
Born in Erlangen, west germany, in 1930, Linde immigrated to the paintings are rotated. Many compositions can be created within each
United States in 1952 and spent the next decade experiencing the painting.
different lifestyles of the East and west Coasts. In 1961 she moved to “Our challenge, as adults, is to rediscover our own boundless creativity
Santa Cruz, California, which was her home for forty years; she moved and relearn how to see. I use abstract painting as a language to
to Carmel, California in 2001. communicate our shared experience and to bring us together as one.
Linde has been creating art for more than 50 years, exploring different The abstraction on the canvas really exists somewhere on the earth, or
forms of expression in oil and watercolor paintings, pottery and glass. in the universe, and we can recognize it. Some people, standing before
The style of her art today is dramatic abstractions of color and motion an abstract painting, will know immediately “what it is”, while others
in oil, painted onto fine linen or cotton fabric. Inspired by classical might take longer to recognize it. The “it” of course, is the seeing of
music, she uses broad palette knives to capture clear colors and forms, one’s own personal images and symbols.”
sometimes bold and angular, sometimes soft and rounded. The oils are “I invite you to go into the canvas and into your own self to see and
applied directly to the canvas from the tube, usually three colors, and experience all the wonder, beauty, emotion, and spirit that is there.
with the palette knives all the resulting vibrant colors are created. Even the greatest art is just a poor imitation of the Divine. In the end
Many forms in the painting take on a three dimensional effect. She we have to go to the true source. Enjoy!”
creates half of an experience; viewers complete the paintings with Linde Fine Art gallery is located on Dolores St. between 5th and 6th
their own personal interpretations, which are limitless especially if the Carmel, California.
sIBeLIUs Last mOVemeNt OF VIOLIN CONCertO, 1995 OIL ON LINEN 48x48 IN / 122x122 CM a taste OF COLOr, 1996 OIL ON LINEN 48x48 IN / 122x122 CM.
masters of today