Page 144 - Masters
P. 144


                     GWEN dE SILVA

                     Lives and works in Alpharetta, georgia USA

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        There is no single definition of art. To me art is the product of an emotional   ever changing light the view is always changing. when we take this view
        expression translated through a person by their media and actions. They   a level deeper we find that the process of change is continuous. Never
        feel and internalize an emotion of a scene or a mood and translate that   ending.Things are always changing. The atmosphere changes the mood,
        using their medium into an expression of that mood. How they express   the mood changes the atmosphere; The storms change the coast line;
        it is most important. Does their expression communicate into something   the coast line changes the people. Our science theories are constantly
        understandable? Can the viewer feel the emotional meaning intended by   changing. quantum physics, string theory, etc. etc. Our communication
        the artist? That has been my aim when I paint. My goal is very straight   systems are changing even faster.
        forward and very much like many expressionist and impressionist artists   The  point  is  that  in  many  of  my  paintings  I  am  trying  to  express  the
        before me.                                               transcendent quality of a solid object. The transient nature of everything
        It is my hope to capture the essence, mood and atmosphere of what I see   on earth and the recycling of energy in the universe is awe inspiring. I
        translating with my actions, gestures, color, and brush stroke. Using the   am ever fascinated with the paint and the brush stoke in relation to the
        excitement of the paint to create the mood I am feeling. In the bright sun   energy of light. The visual possibilities of light and color, and the energy
        the light bounces and vibrates off one object and on to another changing   it creates, can define an object in the painting and then change it. How
        the color and shape. Things many times are not what they seem. Objects   this translates into the painting is endless. To me this is the essence of
        change in the vibrant light or are lost in the deep shadows. Because of the   painting.

         NOsOtrOs, 1994 OIL ON CANvAS 35x45 IN. /89x115 CM.                     CeremONY, 1998 OIL ON CANvAS 36x28 IN. /91,5x71CM.

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