Page 140 - Masters
P. 140
Lives and works in Port Elizabeth, South Africa
“In my art my objective is to produce work that will evoke a sense of the vulnerability of man when confronted with the awesome power of nature.
sublime. It is this tension between the infinite and the finite that makes one It is the concept of exploring dark, confused, uncertain images that become
aware of the existence of the Divine; lifting us beyond the tangible confines certain as the process unfolds that I feel evokes a sense of the sublime in my
of reality even as we become more aware of them.” art. I interpret landscapes expressively and conceptually, producing works
Having lived in the country for many years my memories and emotions are that can also be seen as abstract mindscapes reflecting my memories,
connected to landscapes in different guises Spending time alone in the emotions and experiences. If the viewer experiences similar feelings then
mountains and isolated places is a constant source of inspiration, allowing the emotional experience that inspired the series is completed. Essentially
the changing atmosphere and colours along with the shifting ranges of lights the viewer has ‘completed’ the art work in their own way, informed by the
and shadows as the day progresses to seep into my consciousness. In front of experiences they bring to that moment. In this way every time someone sees
nature, what strikes me is not the detailed appearance, but the general effect, the image it becomes a ‘new’ work and is continuously seen in a different
and in particular the force of it along with the drama created by the light. way. I am inspired by the works of the Romantic artist Turner, as well as
I respond intuitively, turning to thoughts of human destruction, the frailty and the Abstract Expressionist Mark Rothko, in particular their use of layers of
UNtItLeD [2739], 2007 MIxED MEDIA ON CANvAS 11,5x11,5 IN. / 30x30 CM. UNtItLeD [3253], 2007 MIxED MEDIA ON FABRIANO A2
masters of today